CONTENTS:- Vol.1: AA-AY: 1. Abortion; 2. Absolution; 3. Account keeping; 4. Action; 5. Adi Dravidas; 6. Adivasis; 7. Adult Franchise; 8. Advertisements; 9. Aga Khan Palace, Poona; 10. Agnosticism; 11. Agriculture; 12. Ahimsa; 13. Ahmedabad; 14. Ahmedabad Labour Union; 15. Ahmedabad Mill-Owner's Association; 16. Akbar; 17. Allopathy; 18. American War of Independence; 19. Amritsar; 20. Anarchists; 21. Ancestors; 22. Andhra; 23. Anglo-Indians; 24. Animal Husbandry; 25. Animal sacrifice; 26. Anti-untouchability campaign; 27. Arjuna; 28. Army, British; 29. Army, Indian; 30. Arya Samaj; 31. Ascetism; 32. Ashoka; 33. Asia; 34. Assassinations; 35. Asthma; 36. Astrology; 37. Asvada; 38. Atheism; 39. Atman; 40. Atom Bomb; 41. Autocracy; 42. Ayurveda. Vol.2: BA-CO: 1. Bakrid; 2. Balasore; 3. Banaras; 4. Banaras Hindu University; 5. Bande Mataram; 6. Barbers; 7. Bardoli; 8. Bardoli Satyagraha; 9. Baroda; 10. Barter system; 11. Beauty; 12. Beef-eating; 13. Bee-keeping; 14. Beggary; 15. Bengal; 16. Bhagavad Gita; 17. Bhagavata; 18. Bhakti; 19. Bharati, Subramania; 20. Bhavnagar; 21. Bible; 22. Bihar; 23. Birth; 24. Birth-control; 25. Body; 26. Bondaref, T.M; 27. Boycott; 28. Boycott, social; 29. Boy scouts; 30. Brahmacharya; 31. Brahman; 32. Brahmins; 33. Brahmo Samaj; 34. Bread labour; 35. Breast-feeding; 36. Bribery; 37. Bride-money; 38. British Empire; 39. British Government (In India); 40. British Indian Association, Transvaal; 41. British Parliament; 42. Buddha, Gautam; 43. Buddhism; 44. Buddhists; 45. Bullocks; 46. Businessmen; 47. Cabinet Mission; 48. Capitalism; 49. Capitalists; 50. Caste Dinners; 51. Caste system; 52. Cattle; 53. Champaran Agrarian Bill; 54. Character; 55. Charkha; 56. Charkha Sangh; 57. Chauri-chaura; 58. Chemical fertilisers; 59. Child-birth; 60. Child-marriage; 61. Children; 62. Cholera; 63. Christianity; 64. Christian missionaries; 65. Christians; 66. Christians, Indian; 67. Cinema; 68. Cities; 69. Civil disobedience; 70. Civil disobedient movements; 71. Civilization; 72. Civil rights; 73. Class struggle; 74. Clerks; 75. Clothes; 76. Cocoa; 77. Coffee; 78. Communal Award (Macdonald Award); 79. Communal Riots. Vol.3: CO-GA: 1. Communal tension; 2. Communism; 3. Communist Party of India; 4. Compost; 5. Congress, Indian National; 6. Congressmen; 7. Congress Nationalist Party; 8. Congress Socialist Party; 9. Constructive programme; 10. Constructive workers; 11. Conversion; 12. Co-operatives; 13. Cotton; 14. Cow-protection; 15. Cows; 16. Cow-slaughter; 17. Crime; 18. Criminals; 19. Cripps Mission; 20. Crowds; 21. Customs; 22. Customs department; 23. Dairying; 24. Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha; 25. Dalit Seva Mission; 26. Dandi; 27. Date Palm Juice; 28. Death; 29. Death sentence; 30. Degrees, academic; 31. Democracy; 32. Desire; 33. Devadasi system; 34. Devanagari script; 35. Dharma; 36. Diabetes; 37. Diary; 38. Disarmament; 39. Discipline; 40. Disease; 41. Divorce; 42. Diwali; 43. Donations; 44. Dowry system; 45. Dress; 46. Drinking; 47. Drowning; 48. Drugs; 49. East India Company; 50. Economics; 51. Educated classes; 52. Education; 53. Eggs; 54. EGO; 55. Elections; 56. Emotions; 57. Ends and means; 58. Englishmen; 59. Ethical religion; 60. Europe; 61. Evil; 62. Ezhavas; 63. Faith; 64. Famine; 65. Fasting; 66. Fearlessness; 67. Festivals; 68. Food; 69. Forced labour; 70. Foreign aid; 71. Foreign cloth; 72. Foreign goods; 73. Foreign dwellers; 74. Forgiveness; 75. Freedom; 76. Free trade; 77. From Yeravda Mandir; 78. Fundamental rights; 79. Funeral rites; 80. Gajendra Moksha; 81. Gambling; 82. Games; 83. Gandhi M.K; 84. Gandhi Cap; 85. Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931). Vol.4: GA-KH: 1. Gandhi Seva Mandal; 2. Garbage; 3. Garlic; 4. Gayatri Mantra; 5. Ghee; 6. Ghosts; 7. God; 8. Government Grants; 9. Government servants; 10. Governors; 11. Groundnuts; 12. Gujaratis; 13. Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad; 14. Gunas; 15. Guru; 16. Handicrafts; 17. Handlooms; 18. Handwriting; 19. Happiness; 20. Harijan; 21. Harijans; 22. Health; 23. Heredity; 24. Himalayas; 25. Hindi; 26. Hind Swaraj; 27. Hinduism; 28. Hindu Law; 29. Hindu-Muslim Unity; 30. Hindus; 31. Hindustani; 32. Hiroshima (Japan); 33. Holi; 34. Home rule; 35. Homo-sexuality; 36. Honey; 37. Hospitals; 38. Hostels; 39. Humanism; 40. Humility; 41. Husbands; 42. Hygiene; 43. Hypocrisy; 44. Idol-worship; 45. Imports; 46. Incarnations; 47. Indebtedness; 48. Indenture system; 49. Independence Day; 50. Independent labour party, London; 51. Index; 52. India; 53. Indian Ambulance Corps; 54. Indian Civil Service; 55. Indian Home Rule; 56. Indian independence Bill; 57. Indian National Movement; 58. Indian opinion; 59. Indian Penal Code; 60. Indians; 61. Indo-Burma Pact; 62. Indraprastha Gurukul; 63. Industries; 64. Infanticide; 65. Infants; 66. Inner voice; 67. Inter-dining; 68. Interim government; 69. Inventions; 70. Islam; 71. Jai Hind; 72. Jail-going; 73. Jails; 74. Jainism; 75. Jains; 76. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre; 77. Jallianwala Bagh Memorial; 78. Jama Masjid; 79. Japan; 80. Jaundice; 81. Jesus Christ; 82. Jewellery; 83. Jews; 84. Jnana; 85. Johannesburg; 86. Journalism; 87. Journalists; 88. Judaism; 89. Judiciary; 90. Kabir; 91. Kali (Goddess); 92. Kanyakumari; 93. Kashi Vidyapith; 94. Kashi Vishwanath Temple; 95. Kashmir; 96. Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust; 97. Kathiawar; 98. Khadi. Vol.5: KH-PI: 1. Khadi Bhandars; 2. Kheda Satyagraha; 3. Khilafat Movement; 4. Khudai Khidmatgars; 5. Knowledge; 6. Kocharab Ashram; 7. Koran; 8. Krishna; 9. Kshatriyas; 10. Kumbha Mela; 11. Kurukshetra; 12. Kutch; 13. Labour, Manual; 14. Labourers; 15. Labour Unions; 16. Languages; 17. Latrines; 18. Law-courts; 19. Lawyers; 20. Leaders; 21. League of Nations; 22. Legislatures; 23. Lepers; 24. Leprosy; 25. Liberty; 26. Lincoln, Abraham; 27. Literacy; 28. Literature; 29. London Vegetarian Society; 30. Love; 31. Machine; 32. Mahabaleshwar; 33. Mahabharata; 34. Maharashtra; 35. Maharashtrians; 36. Mahars; 37. Malabar; 38. Malaria; 39. Malthus; 40. Mantras; 41. Manure; 42. Manusmriti; 43. Marriage; 44. Marx, Karl; 45. Materialism; 46. Mauritius; 47. Max Muller; 48. Means; 49. Meat eating; 50. Medical science; 51. Meenakshi temple; 52. Mercy killing; 53. Military training; 54. Milk; 55. Mill cloth; 56. Mill owners; 57. Mind; 58. Ministers; 59. Minorities; 60. Moderates; 61. Mogul rule in India; 62. Mohammed prophet; 63. Mohwa; 64. Moksha; 65. Money; 66. Monkeys; 67. Morality; 68. Mother tongue; 69. Motor cars; 70. Municipalities; 71. Music; 72. Muslims; 73. Nanak; 74. Napoleon; 75. Natal Immigration Commission; 76. Natal Indian Congress; 77. National Flag; 78. National Government; 79. Nationalism; 80. National schools; 81. Nature cure; 82. Naturopaths; 83. Nayee Talim; 84. Neem; 85. Negroes; 86. New Delhi; 87. News papers; 88. Night-soil; 89. Nirvana; 90. Noakhali; 91. Non-attachment; 92. Non-Brahmins; 93. Non-cooperation; 94. Non-Possession; 95. Non-stealing; 96. Oath; 97. Obscenity; 98. On trains; 99. Occultism; 100.Oil; 101.Oil-pressing; 102.Opium; 103.Harmfulness; 104.Oudh; 105.Pacifists; 106.Panchayats; 107.Panipat; 108.Parents; 109.Parsis; 110.Partition; 111.Patience; 112.Passions; 113.Patriotism; 114.Peasants; 115.Persian script; 116.Picketing. Vol.6: PI-ZO: 1. Pigs; 2. Pilgrimage; 3. Pinjrapoles; 4. Plague; 5. Police; 6. Politics; 7. Polygamy; 8. Poona Pact; 9. Poverty; 10. Prahlad; 11. Prayer; 12. Prisoners; 13. Private property; 14. Prohibition campaign; 15. Prostitutes; 16. Prostitution; 17. Provincialism; 18. Public funds; 19. Public opinion; 20. Public utilities; 21. Public work; 22. Pulses; 23. Punjab; 24. Puranas; 25. Purdah; 26. Quit India Movement; 27. Racialism; 28. Railways; 29. Rajkot; 30. Rama; 31. Ramakrishna Mission; 32. Ramanama; 33. Ramarajya; 34. Ramayana; 35. Ramzan; 36. Rationing; 37. Ravana; 38. Reason; 39. Rebirth; 40. Religion; 41. Renunciation; 42. Rice; 43. Rickshaws; 44. Rituals; 45. Roman script; 46. Rome; 47. Russian Revolution; 48. Sabarmati Central Jail; 49. Sadhus; 50. Salaries; 51. Salt Satyagraha; 52. Salt Tax; 53. Sanitation; 54. Santiniketan; 55. Sati; 56. Satyagraha; 57. Satyagraha Ashram; 58. Schools; 59. Science; 60. Self-control; 61. Self-realisation; 62. Sevagram Ashram; 63. Sewing Machine; 64. Shankaracharya; 65. Shastras; 66. Shiva; 67. Shivaji; 68. Shudras; 69. Silence; 70. Simon Commission; 71. Sita; 72. Slavery; 73. Small Pox; 74. Smoking; 75. Smritis; 76. Snake-bite; 77. Snakes; 78. Socialism; 79. Society; 80. Soul force; 81. Spinning; 82. Sports; 83. State; 84. Strikes; 85. Students; 86. Sugar; 87. Suicide; 88. Swadeshi; 89. Swadharma; 90. Swaraj; 91. Sweepers; 92. Takli; 93. Tanneries; 94. Tea; 95. Teachers; 96. Technology; 97. Temples; 98. Terrorism; 99. Terrorists; 100.Textile Mills; 101.Theosophy; 102.Thieves; 103.Thoreau, Henri David; 104.Tolerance; 105.Tolstoy Farm; 106.Tolstoy, Leo; 107.Trusteeship; 108.Truth; 109.Tuberculosis; 110.UNESCO; 111.USSR; 112.UNO; 113.United Provinces; 114.USA; 115.Universities; 116.Unto this last; 117.Untouchability; 118.Upanishads; 119.Vaccination; 120.Vaishnavas; 121.Vaishyas; 122.Varnashrama Dharma; 123.Vedas; 124.Vegetables; 125.Vegetarianism; 126.Village industries; 127.Villages; 128.Vows; 129.Walking; 130.War; 131.Wardha; 132.Water; 133.Wealth; 134.Weaving; 135.Widows; 136.Wives; 137.Women; 138.World Peace; 139.Yajna; 140.Yoga; 141.Yogis; 142.Youth; 143.Zamindari system; 144.Zamindars; 145.Zoroastrianism.
Mahatma Gandhi motivated the Indians and the world at large by an astounding amount of written spoken words. The voluminous work left behind by Gandhiji for posterity is at once enlightening, enriching but mind-boggling. Gandhiji has asked us to understand the spirit of his writing and not merely find the meanings. For, every term Gandhiji uses, has different connotations in different contexts. Gandhian thought processes promote a heightened historical, political, spiritual and of course an academic intrest through a simple and direct language. The author has delved deep into Gandhiji's colossal collection of writing to compile the six volumes of Encyclopaedia. It is a great job of discerning mind that has done the judicious selection. More than 1000 subject-headings have been arranged in an alphabetical order so as to facilitate an easy reference to any subject one may be interested in or wish to know Gandhiji's opinion.