CONTENTS:- Preface; Brief History and Evolution of Radio; Impact of Radio on Society; Radio Programmes; Educational Radio; Brief History on Television; Development of Television in India; Educational Television; Impact on Television on the Society; Satellite and Cable TV Invasion; Future of Television; Brief History of India Cinema; Cinema After Independence; New Trends in Cinema; The Foreign Entertainment; The Control Over Cinema; etc.
'Basic Audio-Visual Media' as a paper is being taught at the various diploma, graduate and post graduate level in 'Media Communication and Journalism' at various universities and institutions. This book is designed as an introductory text to the above paper, encompassing vital information on all pertinent aspects. Thus the material presented here would be of interest as well as of great use to the students, teachers and professionals of Media Communication and Journalism. The major topics dealt in this book are-Brief History and Evolution of Radio; Impact of Radio on Society; Radio Programmes; Educational Radio; Brief History of Television; Development of Television in India; Educational Television; Impact of Television on the Society; Satellite and Cable TV Invasion; Future of Television; Brief History of Indian Cinema; Cinema After Independence; New Trends in Cinema; The foreign entertainment; The Control Over Cinema; etc.