CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction; 2. Classification of Bacteria; 3. Morphology of Bacteria; 4. Growth of Bacteria; 5. Culture of Bacteria; 6. Control of Bacteria; 7. Staphylococcus; 8. Streptococci; 9. Vibrio Cholerae and Asiatic Cholera; 10. Yersinia Pestis and plague; 11. Haemophilus Influenzae; 12. Anaerobic Bacilli and Wound Infections; 13. Clostridium-II: CI. Tetani; CI. botulinum; 14. Spirochaetaceae; 15. Rickettsiaceae and Chilamydiaceae.
The purpose of the present text is to introduce the student to the biology of bacteria, an understanding to which will assist in evaluating the prokaryotic biological principles found throughout the world of life. The present publication contain adequate material to acquaint the student with fundamentals but omit unessential details. It is a well-structured attempt to put in the teacher's and student's hands a comprehensive compendium on bacteriology.