CONTENTS:- Preface; The Enigma; The Economy; The Constitution; The Bureaucracy; Literacy; The Judiciary; Industrialization; Non-Governance; Corruption; Profligacy and Waste; Electricity; Defence Equipment; India and China; End Word;
India is blessed with exuberant natural resources and industrious, intelligent people but has legged behind in development. A third of Indians remain illiterate and many more ignorant. People die of starvation through a three-year supply of food grains remains in storage. Fruits are abundant but half of them rot away for lack of preservation facilities. Poor infrastructure-an acute shortage of electricity, lack of roads, medical facilities etc. hurts commerce, industry and innovation. For two generations after independence India was kept isolated from the world by a pernicious regime of controls and high duties. Liberalisation, initiated in 1991, unleashed the economy and progress began. But it continues to face stumbling blocks like poor infrastructure, poor governance, and alienated bureaucracy, a sterile and insensible judiciary, an ineffective police, criminal law-makers and the entire machinery swamped in corruption. The book analyses the impediments and offers suggestions for removing them.