CONTENTS:- Vol.1: Children and the Culture of Human Rights: 1. Children and Human Rights; 2. Childhood Under Threat; 3. Children Living in Poverty; 4. Child Labour; 5. Early Marriage; 6. Sexual Exploitation of Children; 7. Orphaned Children; 8. Children Caught up in Conflict; 9. Children's Rights: Creating a Culture of Human Rights; 10. Convention on the Right of Child. Vol.2: Children and the Right to Education: 1. Early Childhood Care and Education; 2. Elementary Education and Child Labour in India; 3. Right-based Education; 4. Children's Right to Education; 5. Advocating for Children's Right; 6. Right of Children with Special Needs; 7. Internally Displaced Children; 8. Inclusive Approaches in Education; 9. Convention against Discrimination in Education. Vol.3: Children and the Access to Information: 1. Introduction; 2. Information Literacy; 3. Children and Computer Use; 4. Access to and Use of Technology; 5. Children and the Use of Media; 6. Children and Access to HIV Related Information; 7. Child Safety on the Information Highway; 8. Children with Mental Disabilities; 9. A World Fit for Children.
No one talks about the human rights of children because generally children don't complain. In fact even if the rights of a parent is taken away the worst sufferer is the children. An orphan is the most distressed child who is being denied the pleasures of his childhood and opportunities to grow. Though there are various organs of United Nations looking into this aspect but much is desired. This book is a stark reminder to the grim reality.