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CONTENTS:- Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Cases; 1. Meaning of the "Accused" and Basis of the Recognition of the Human Rights of the Accused; 2. Evolution of the Human Rights of Accused; 3. Human Rights of "Accused" related to Arrest (Right to Know the Ground of Arrest, Powers Arresting Authority and Right to be Produced before the Magistrate within Stipulated Time); 4. Human Rights of "Accused" available at Every Stage (Right to Engage Counsel, to Apply for Free Legal Aid and to be Released on Bail); 5. Human Rights of "Accused" available, during Trial (Rights to Speedy Trial or Accelerated Hearing including Speedy Investigation, to be Presumed Innocent, to seek Protection against Self-Incrimination and also against Double Jeopardy; 6. Human Rights of "Child Accused" (Delinquent Juvenile/Juvenile in Conflict with Law) and Juvenile Justice in India (Rights Available on and after Arrest, during Inquiry and thereafter Regarding Reformation); 7. Conclusion and Suggestions; |
The book presents a critical review of various Human Rights of an accused contained in various international Conventions, Treaties and the UN Charter and also recognized and granted by the Constitution of India and other important criminal legislations. It also contains a special discussion related to the Child Accused commonly known as "Delinquent Juvenile" and named in India as "Juvenile in Conflict with Law". Although special stress on dignity of an individual has been laid down by these provisions at national and international levels, instances of inhumane treatment, brutality and torture of accused even sometimes leading to death in police lock-ups or prisons have increased over the years and the special laws enacted for providing special treatment to Child Accused are frequently violated or neglected by the personnel involved in the administration of criminal justice. These aspects have so far been not considered seriously from the point of view of the accused and the juveniles and the present book tries to fill up the vacuum. The subject matter of the book is divided into Six Chapters and consists of inter alia: 1) Meaning of the Accused and Basis of the Human Rights of the Accused, 2) Evolution of the Human Rights of Accused since ancient period till date, 3) Human Rights of Accused related to Arrest, 4) Human Rights of Accused available at Every Stage, 5) Human Rights of Accused available, during Trial and 6) Human Rights of Child Accused (Delinquent Juvenile in Conflict with Law) and Juvenile Justice in India. The last chapter contains detailed recommendations and suggestions regarding an accused during detention and also regarding juvenile accused. Being the first of its kind, the book will prove to be useful in providing justice to the accused in reality and maintaining a proper balance between the law violator and law abider in the context of Human Rights of Accused. The book would also be of utility to law enforcement agencies and personnel (involved in the administration of criminal justice), students of law, academic institutions, human rights activists and NGOs, general public and, of course, the accused - adults and juveniles. |