CONTENTS:- Historical Background; Basic Elements; Gradual growth; The organization; Functioning of Editors; Desk of editorial; Reporters at work; Publishing Stages.
In the increasingly complex world of modern journalism, the newsperson has to have all the basic aptitudes, skills and sensibilities at his fingertips. The need of the hour is a handy reference book that brings together all the basic approaches, sensibilities and techniques of the newspaper office. The present publication is one such work which will be of immense use not only to the aspiring the journalist but also the practicing newsperson and the social commentator. The publication covers all the salient aspects of the world of journalism in carefully crafted chapters covering, among others, the following topics: historical background; basic constituents and evaluation; the newspaper organization; editorial functions; the editorial desk; reporters and the skills of reporting; and the techniques of the newspaper production room. The publication will be a valuable addition to the current literature on the subject.