CONTENTS:- Preface; Alphabets of Southern India; List of Illustrations; Introduction; Ancient Geography of the Dakhan; Principal Dynasties of Southern India; Collections of their Coins Hitherto Described and Classification of their Contents; Part I: I. Northern Die Coins, Section I. Andhras; II. Caromandel Coast Die Coins; Part II: I. Origins of South Indian Metrical System; II. Earliest Indigenous Coins; III. South-Western Coins; IV. Dynasties and Coins of Kuntala; Part III; I. Coins of Dravida; II. Dynasties of Dravida; III. Travancore, Cochin, and Kerala; IV. Concluding Remarks.
In describing some of the coins here noticed, I had to trust chiefly to memory, which, notwithstanding the cheerful aid rendered by menbers of my own family, and by several friends, often left me in doubt and perplexity. The plan I have followed in this essay has been to give a slight historical sketch of the principal southern rulers who issued dynastic coinage, as far as the limited means at my disposal would admit. Where the data for these were wanting or defective, I have indulged in greater detail, especially where the received history, such as it is, appeared to be inexact, or the chro-onology faulty or open to question. My speculations on these points may be amended and adjusted as the progress of the South Indian Archaeological Survey brings more comprehensive evidence to light.