CONTENTS:- 1. Intoducing Mammals; 2. Classifying mammals; 3. Mammals through the Ages; 4. Habitats and adaptation; 5. Mammal behaviour; 6. Appearance of mammals; 7. Mammalian evolution; 8. Moving on four legs; 9. Aquatic adaptation in mammals; 10. Dentition in mammals; 11. Feeding and digestion; 12. Blood-vascular system; 13. Respiratory system; 14. Excretory system; 15. Nervous system; 16. Reproductive system.
Mammals, our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, are a source of fascination and wonder. Some are the epitome of beauty and grace, others display extraordinary intelligence and have highly developed social system, and yet more seem to us bizarre in appearance and behaviours. This thoroughly illustrated title is designed to provide encyclopedic information in easy, simple, clear and lucid language for undergraduate and post-graduate students. Effects have also been made to give an upto date over view of our knowledge of the once-scent lives of mammals.