CONTENTS:- Introduction Biological Safety in the Laboratory; Identification of Fungi; Diagnostic Methods; Collection and Preparation of Specimens; Basic Principles; Susceptibility Tests for Anaerobes; Antifungal Agents in Laboratory; Special Tests; Antimicrobial Agents; Antifungal Agents in Laboratory; Special Tests; Antimicrobial Agents; Antimicrobial Suspeceptibility Tests; DNA Methods in Clinical Microbiology; Chromatography in Clinical Microbiology.
Microbiology is an interdisciplinary science and extends to diverse fields such as zoology, botany, biotechnology and agricultural sciences etc. The scope of microbiology is expanding so rapidly that it is difficult to present each and everything under one title. This book is being prepared by keeping in view the requirements of the students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels by presenting selected methods in sufficient details, that conform to the specified syllabus of several universities. The subject matter presented in the book will afford the students and researchers in the subject a comprehensive view and appropriate background material for focused studies.