CONTENTS:- Preface; Introduction; Textiles and light; Robes as art; A sense of enclosure; quilts as folk art; New uses for rich fabric; Clothing; Sewing, cutting and mending; On washing; Starching, Ironing and cleansing; Whitening, cleansing and dyeing; On the care of parlours; Care of the frame; On giving in charity; Care of the powers: Patience infirmity; Care of the powers: Love; Care of the powers; Patience; Care of the powers: Hope; Conscientiousness; Care of the powers: Veneration; Wardrobe planning and construction; Solving clothing problems.
Dress serves two purposes; on the one hand it is a sign of civilized society and on the other hand it shows the level of aesthetics. Dress is a sign of a personality. This book dwells on ways to teach the students, How to keep them up. Adolescent girls are deeply conscious of their appearance and concerned about the approval of their classmates. They are eager to look and dress like their peers. They are aware that clothing contributes greatly to their personal attractions. Clothing plays an important role in a girl's environment. High school girls should be helped to appreciate that possession of many items of clothing alone will not make them attractive, unless cleanliness and orderliness accompany them. Tidiness and neatness are important in good grooming and acceptance by others. They must also realize that character and desire to serve others are the foundations of personal attractiveness. The natural interest of girls in clothing should be utilized to provide opportunities for them to observe and practice correct methods of clothing care. The students of living in the homes of the community influence greatly the types of learning experiences to be selected in clothing.