CONTENTS:- Preface; Introduction; Laboratory and Techniques; Genetic Engineering: An Overview; Modifying Enzymes; Gene Cloning Vectors; Agrobacterium Tumefaciens: Nature's Genetic Engineer; Achieving DNA for Cloning; Joning DNA Molecules; Introduction of Foreign DNA into in DNA Cells; Identification of Recombinations DNA; Recombination DNA Technology; A Double Edged Sword; Applications of Genetic Engineering; Plant Tissue Culture; Cell Culture; Protoplast Isolatuion and Culture; Cell Totipotency; Somatic Hybridization; Nutritional and Metabolic Aspect of Cultured Tissue; Somaclonal Variation; Biological Nitrogen Fixation; Alcoholic Fermentation; Methane Fermentation; Single Cell Proteins.
It is certainly an unenviable task to write a small book on a large subject. When the subject is as large as the present one, a small book like this comes in direct danger of criticism of readers that such and such topics have not been given due emphasis while such and such have been overemphasized. The present book entitled "Biotechnology" has been written with this danger clearly recognized, but it has also been written with the conviction that a book of this type can fulfil some useful function and can provide effective instructions to under-graduate and post graduate students of life science, botany, biotechnology and agriculture especially in genetics and plant breeding in all Indian universities.