CONTENTS:- Preface; An Overview of Object-Oriented Systems Development; Object Basics; Object-Oriented systems Development Life Cycle; Object-Oriented Methodologies; Unified Modeling Language; Object-Oriented Analysis Process: Identifying Use Cases; Object Analysis: Classification; Identifying Objects Relationships, Attributes and Methods; The Object-Oriented Design Process and Design Axioms; Designing Classes; Access Layer: Object Storage and Object Introperability; View Layers: Designing Interface Objects; Software Quality Assurence; System Usability and Measuring User SAtisfaction; Document Template; Introduction to Graphical User Interface.
Software development is dynamic and always undergoing major change. The methods we will use in the future no doubt will differ significantly from those currently in practice. We can anticipate which methods and tools are going to succeed, but we cannot predict the future. Factors the other than just technical superiority will likely determine which concepts prevail. This book provides an overview of object oriented systems development and discusses why we should study it. Further more, we study the unified approach, which is the methodology used in this book for learning about object oriented systems development.