CONTENTS:- Basic procedures of online searching; Basic DIALOG Searching; Basic SDC's ORBIT searching; Basic BRS Searching; Compuserve, The source, and Dow Jones Searching; Microcomputer searching and downloading; Standardization of searching diversities; Inside a searcher's Mind: The Seven Stages of an Online Search - Part 1; Inside a searcher's mind: The seven stages of an Online search - Part 2; How to use controlled vocabularies more effectively in online searching; The friendly user: back to basics: Basic Indexes, The space, The hyphen, and all that; Free time online: Use it or lose it!; The friendly user: Full-text American Newspaper online: The current situation and some search tips; Output options: Full-text document delivery online - it makes sense; The secret World of SF=; Dialog Bluesheets online; Dialog's enhanced dialindex; Translation between Westlaw and lexis; Getting the Most out of wilsonline; Output options: Mailing labels (By and for) direct mail; E-mail delivery of search results Via the internet; Output options: Rethinking Output options: Uniform output charges and alternative delivery features; The dollar sign: Staying Alert Via online clipping services; Write your own user's manual; Online documentation keeping up and keeping track; The "New" Dialmail - Making it work; E-mail connections: It's still a jungle out there….. But it is getting better; Stop the clock, hold that search, and take a break; Mapping the unmappable: Plumbing the depths of crossfile and cross-system Navigation; The dollar sign: In command of business data: Using the map and get commands; Output options: Overcoming the fear of getting: ORBIT's GET command for first-time users; Saving money with the keep command; Tips and techniques for using Expand/Root in business databases; Caduceus: Creating Customized search shortcuts: The SET features on DIALOG; Detecting duplicates: A searcher's dream come true; Using onesearch for everyday searching; Caduceus: When one Database Isn't Enough: Creating composite bibliographies on DIALOG or BRS; Output options: When less is more, and more gives less…. Removing duplicate records; The seven deadly sins of full-text searching; The seven deadly sins of online Microcomputing; The seven deadly sins of CD-Rom; The seven deadly sins of CD-Rom revisited; Tips, techniques and words of wisdom; beginner's search tips; Micro tips.
The search in an online system consists of four basic procedures: Logon, Serch, Result and log off. The Logon precedure involves two major steps:(1) The user connects the terminal with the system and (2) Then identifies himself as a legitimate user.
This book is highly useful and explains every procedure in details in details and helps the users in every detail.