CONTENTS:- The New Technology and Educational Needs; New Approaches to Delivering Services; Uses of Computers in Education; What is Productive Talk?; Sociocognitive Role in a Computerised Industrial Task; Learning as the Use of Tools; Analysis of Learning Interactions; Productivity Increase through Computers; Computer System; Learning with Computers; Research Issues in Computers; State Policy in Computers; Issues in Educational Computing; Introducing Computer into the School; Information Technology and Computers; Computer-Supported Learning in Science; Analysis of Student Studying the Periodical Table; Collaboration in Primary Classroom; The Computers Comes to the School; The Computers Entres in the Classroom; Computer in the Community of Classroom; A Study of Environmental Technological Change;Environmental Degradation Consequenses if Public School do not reach to the Technological Needs; Selecting Your Computer System; Choosing Educational Software; Integrating Computers into the School; Summing Up.
Throughout the history of world civilization when ever new technologies became cultural technologies and/or primary work tools, schools have had to expand their curricula. The production line generated vocational education, the car necessitated driver education and the printing press created the need for schools to teach reading. It can, therefore, be expected that as the computer becomes both a cultural technology and a primary work tool during the coming period, it will generate the need for new educational services. The changes in the home, work place and society in general will cause a shift or expansion in the kinds of educational services that are needed and demanded. Educational system in the computer age is bound to undergo revolutionary changes.