CONTENTS:- Section - I : Microtechnique. 1. Introduction & Importance of Microtechnique. 2. Fixation. 3. Dehydration. 4. Clearing. 5. Emedding. 6. Block Making. 7. Microtome. 8. Section Cutting. 9. Staining. 10. Histochemistry. 11. Microscopes. 12. Micrometry. 13. Camera Lucida. Section - II : Elementary Idea of Microbiology. 14. Introduction to Microbiology. Section - III : Museology 15. Narcotization. 16. Collection and preservation of specimens. 17. Taxidermy. Section - IV: Photography. 18. Principles of Photography. 19. Films. 20. Printing papers. 21. Print - making. Section - V : Physiology Experiments. 22. General qualitative Tests. 23. Haematological Experiments. 24. Experiments based on various physiological process digestion. Circulation. Respiration. Excretion. Reflex action. Reproduction. Section - VI Endocrinology. 25. Endocrine glands of Mammals surgical procedures.
In the wake of added emphasis being given to the practical applications the present book titled Modern tools and techniques in Life Sciences has been specially designed to meet the needs of the under-graduate and post graduate students, teachers, laboratory technicians as well as research scholars. The book would certainly play a part in giving the students and the technocrats a vantage point which will help them to gain not only a rational view of approach towards basic research methodologies but will also equip them with the knowledge to yield skilled technocrats with competitive edge.