The vision of Gandhi raised the question, whether his vision could be applied without Gandhi in his storm-tossed world of disbelief, treachery, greed, self and violence. The answer is affirmative. The would may continue with its application safely till better methods than that of Gandhi are invented. Gandhi's methods were always linked with its goals. One starts with the feeling of achieving goal the moment he applies his methods. He worked on this unique theory of being submissive, but with a courageous action. Because Gandhi was the living synthesis of good means and good ends. Through his means he carried out both revolution and social reforms simultaneously. His thoughts were so specific, clear and visible that those could be easily understood and applied. His vision will summon the people of the world for collective discipline along with inner purity, so that they would place their thoughts at the command of their conscience as Gandhi did. Because in Gandhi's vision, we would find no lies, no meanness, no slander, no dogmatism, no hypocrisy, no fear, no arrogance, no pride, no hatred, and no claims over infallibility.