CONTENTS:- What are liquid crystals?; History and properties of liquid crystals; Discotic liquid Crystals; Introduction to polymers; Thermal Properties of polymers; Thermal properties of polymers; Polymer Synthesis; Polymer liquid crystals; Birefringence; Phase changes in liquid crystals; Introduction to ferroelectric liquid crystals; Introduction to Lyotropic liquid crystals; Carbohydrate Liquid Crystals; Characterization of Light crystals displays; Glossary of liquid crystals.
This short text has been written to provide information about liquid crystals and polymers. An attempt has been made to include those concepts which are being prescribed in the B.Sc. and M.Sc. syllabi introduced by U.G.C. A sincere effort has been made to develop every concept in this text in the light of recent development. Wherever necessary, the line diagrams have been included to make the subject more interesting.