That Unprecedented Earthquake and Dreadful Tsunami is a Practical Publication is every respect all of the issues related to Earthquake and Tsunami it contains have been worked out in practice and placed in fifteen well drafted chapters. It contains the total spectrum of Dec. 26, 2004 unprecedented earthquake and dreadful tsunami. Important issues like latest information, seismos of A and N Islands, Science of the Earthquake and tsunami, the damage, the Death toll, effects of aftershocks and foreshocks, the Feelings of Tsunami it Aboriginals, Primitive Tribes, Tsunami children rescues and evacuation, prosocial behaviour, humane and Healing touches to the victim, the protection Measures, Relief work and Relief camps, counseling for tsunami victims including scheme of Rehabilitation have been incorporated in this tiny publication. It also ventilates reactions of various groups of workers involved in the relief work. This an effective handbook of knowledge in the domain of the disaster and its management.