CONTENTS:- Preface; 1. Evaluation: role of Measurement in Education; 2. Evaluation: Validity in Measurement; 3. Evaluation Reliability and Other Desired Characteristics; 4. Evaluation: Planning the Classroom Test; 5. Evaluation: Constructing Objects Test Item (Simple Form); 6. Evaluation: Constructing Objective Test Item (Multiple Choice Form); 7. Evaluation: Measuring complex Achievement (Essay Test Item); 8. Psychological Evaluation: School Testing, Trands and Issues; 9. Psychological Evaluation: Stage Specific Characteristics and Developmental Tasks; 10. Psychological Evaluation: Nature and Concept of Learning; 11. Psychological Intelligence: Nature, Theories and Measurement;
It introduces the classroom teacher and prospective teacher to those elements of measurement and evaluation that are essential to good teaching. The man theme throughout the book is that the evaluation of learning plays and important role in the instructional process and that its effectiveness depends largely on the ability to construct and select tests and other evolution instruments that provide valid measures of the intended learning outcomes. The book was designed for the introductory course in a\educational Psychology and evaluation, at either the undergraduate or graduate level, and assumes no previous knowledge of evaluation. The writing is direct and numerous examples are used throughout the book to illustrate important concepts, instruction, instruments and procedures. Statistical concepts are introduced only where necessary for understanding the discussion and then the emphasis is on interpretation rather than computation. In addition or instead, textbook reading can be accompanied by practical project in test construction, test selection and test interpretation and the like. In any event practical application of the material will enhance learning and contribute to competence in using measurement skills. The readers of education field will decide its utility, if this volume may give any benefit to them, it will be his success. Almost every aspect of teacher, students and their related persons are covered in this book. The author has suggested and given some ideas to solve the teacher as well as student's problems. He has also suggested that only if there are a large number of idealistic trained teachers and education workers devoted to the cause then the country can solve the social and youth problems of each school that are situated in villages and cities.