CONTENTS:- Preface 1. How to Study the Child. 2. Evaluation. 3. Conception, Prenatal Development and Birth. 4. Physical Development. 5. Motor Development. 6. Social Development. 7. Emotional Development. 8. Cognitive Development. 9. Concept Formation. 10. Language Development. 11. Habit-formation in Children. 12. Behaviour Problems of Children. 13. Children with special Needs. 14. Health and Nutrition of Pre-Schoolers. 15. Dificiency diseases among pre-schoolers. 16. Common ailments and their prevention. 17. Common childhood Illnesses. 18. First Aid for Minor Injuries and Common Ailments. 19. Home Stimulation.
The book, know your Child, deals with the importance and methods of child study, conception and birth, developments such as physical, motor, social, emotional, cognitive and language, concept formation, habit formation, behaviour problems, children with special needs, health and nutrition, deficiency diseases, common ailments and prevention, first aid and home stimulation, Activities to reflect upon are also given so that the readers could relate what they learn to real situations.