CONTENTS:- 1. Family Planning Programme Administration. 2. Population policy Framework for Family Planning Programme Administration. 3. Organization Structure for Management of family Planning Programme. 4. Family Planning Services and their Performance. 5. Information, Education and Communication. (IEC). 6. Administration of Beyond Family planning Programmes. 7. Administration Issues in Population Control. 8. Human Resources for Family Planning and RCH. 9. Financial Administration. 10. Reproductive and Child Health Programme (RCH). 11. Maternal and child Health under RCH. 12. Role of NGO's in Health family Welfare: Education and people's participation.
In this book, we have discussed the administrative components of the programme which are responsible to great extent for the success/failure of the programme. The effectiveness of family planning programme and population programme can be increased through the sound use of modern management techniques. The management of family planning programme can take the help of the various techniques for this purpose, e.g. 'systems approach' of operational research, system analysis, programme budgeting computer-based information system; techniques concerned with the productive use of resources such as work study, network analysis and cost analysis and organizational and behavioural methods concerned withg personnel selection, training, motivation, communication, adaptation to change, working in groups, the organizational development, management by objectives, etc. Thus, the policy-makers and planners for family planning programme must also plan for effective implementation machinery to optimize the use of resources.