CONTENTS:- Foreword; Preface and Acknowledgement; List of Tables; 1. Introduction; 2. Urbanisation and Growth of Slum in Perspectives; 3. Development Programmes for the Urban Poor; 4. Bhubaneswar City and Slum; 5. Case Study; 6. Concluding Observation;
The rapid pace of urbanization during the last few decades has resulted in explosive growth of cities throughout the world. With urbanization comes the challenge of providing jobs, shelter, clean environment, portable water - a challenge which is not being met as in evident in most of the cities in the developing countries where almost 30 to 40 per cent of the population lives below poverty line and mostly reside in the slum. UN studies now project that mega cities will grow more slowly from 2005 onwards and smaller cities will see bigger change as growth spills into them. Since the growth of slum is a manifestation of the urban poverty, it has become imperative to raise the quality of life by creating conditions conducive to the achievement of crucial objectives in terms of shelter, health, sanitation and education, create substantial additional employment opportunities and dispersed economic activities. The book on 'Slum in India: A case study of Bhubaneswar city' has probed deep into the problems, integrated all connected issues and provided suggestive measures for meeting the challenge.