CONTENTS:- Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Impact of the Terrorist Attacks in the United States on International Tourism; 3. World Tourism in 2002: Better than Expected; 4. World Tourism Barometer; 5. Price and Quality in International Tourism; 6. PPPs and the Price Competitiveness of International Tourism Destinations; 7. Applications of Multivariate Analysis in International Tourism Research: The Marketing Strategy Perspective of NTOs; 8. Managing Tourism at Places of Heritage Significance; 9. Recreational Welfare Measures for International Tourism; 10. Tourism Market Trends 2000; 11. The Viability and Sustainability of International Tourism in Developing Countries; 12. The Determinants of International Tourism: A Three-Dimensional Panel Data Analysis;
International tourism is a fast growing industry generating 700 billion dollars in annual revenues and accounting for almost ten per cent of total international trade, and almost half of total trade in services. India too has an official "Look East" policy to promote tourism in the region along with Chine, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Cambodia etc. while Europe still dominates international tourism markets, the recent development of new tourist areas and the changing patterns of international tourism, suggest that new tourism geographies are already emerging.