CONTENTS:- Acknowledgements; Preface; Abbreviation; 1. Introduction: Background of Climate Change and Environmental Negotiations; 2. Climate Change Negotiations from Stockholm to Rio: Domestic Milieu; 3. Berlin to Milan: The Conference of Parties; 4. Role of NGO's: A Case Study of CSE/ TERI in India's Climate Change Policy; 5. India's Response and Strategy;
Environmental issues first emerged on the international agenda in the l ate twentieth century in the context of international agreements to manage resources. However, environmental awareness and concern developed strongly after the 1960s particularly in relation to pollution problems. In the 1970s and 1980s, international environmental politics developed and matured. Green movements, environmental and industrial NGOs and international organizations established themselves as key actors in international environmental politics along-side states. In the nineties, the Brundtland Commission promoted the concept of ‘Sustainable Development’ and preparations began for a 1992 UN conference on environment and development. These developments have led to climate change, sustainable development, ozone layer depletion and other such contentious issues and debates revolving around them. This study revolves around climate change, the north south differences over global economic relations and environmental politics. The study examines, Indian strategy at the international level pertaining to the on going negotiations in the conference of parties. India becomes a major player in the ongoing process of climate change negotiations.