CONTENTS:- 1. National Academies; 2. Significance of Art and Culture; 3. Role of Special Libraries; 4. National Academies: Growth and Development of their Libraries; 5. Contribution of National Academies to Art and Culture; 6. Summary and Suggestions.
Art and Art Libraries in India is an outcome of the author's constant study and research on The role of special libraries in the field of art and culture with special reference to National Academies-Sahitya, Lalit Kala and Sangeet Natak (including National School of Drama-in India. Culture is the way of the human society transmitted from one generation to the next by learning of language and other symbolic media and by experiences. Art enriches man's life, giving him a broader, deeper and more sensitive realization of life. Thus art and culture play a pivotal role in modern Indian society. Today, an allround awareness and programmes for the restoration of artistic and cultural heritage are gaining ground at the national and international level. In this context, the Art and Art Libraries in India highlights the significance of art and culture and existence of National Academies in India. It also describes the role of special libraries and their network in India, in the area of art and culture. The unique feature of this book is the creation and establishment of a National Documentation and Information Centre in Humanities under the aegis of the ICCR, New Delhi. Perhaps, the first of its kind, the volume will be equally useful of students, teachers and professionals, organizers of libraries and information centers.