CONTENTS:- Origin of Biology; Microbial Techniques; Microbes and Their Environment; Microbes in Their Natural Habitats; Microbial Nutrition; Microbial Enzymes; Plant Microbes; Microbial Infection; Host Defence; Microbiology of the Soil; Microbes in Food; Microbes in Dairy Products; Microbes in Industry; Microbes in Atmosphere.
Microbial ecology is one of the fastest growing fields of microbiology. This book presents an elaborated textual study of microbes and their related ecological environment. After a brief introduction to microbiology and microbial techniques, it concentrates on the ecological aspects of microbial life. The book provides a balanced and integrated treatment of the entire field of microbial ecology. It is an adequate text for all requirements in this area for most of the universities students. Attempts has been made to include recent work conduct by scientists in the field, but owing to limited space much details have not been mentioned.