CONTENTS:- Introduction to genetics; Molecular evolution of DNA; Genomes: Types, Size of Complexity; Molecular Structure of DNA; Molecular definition of Gene; Structure and functions of Genes; Structure and functions of Genes; Types of Chromosomes; Chromosomal DNA; DNA Rearrangements; Organising and packaging of DNA; Genes and Noncoding DNA; Mobile DNA; Organelle DNAs; Genetic Elements in Eukaryotic Evolution; Chromosomes in Human Genome; DNA and protein synthesis; Functional elements of Eukaryotic Chromosomes; Control of Gene Expression;
This book provides comprehensive and authentic information of the structural and functional aspects of the genetic materials. Major themes discussed are the molecular structure of genes and chromosomes; rearrangements of chromosomal DNA; organising and packaging of DNA; organelle DNAs; mobile DNA; chromosomes in human genome and so on. For students, teachers, scientists, researchers and all others interested in Genetics, this book will be a highly valuable reference tool.