CONTENTS:- 1. Management by Objectives: An Introduction. 2. Strategic Planning on Management. 3. Preparation of Planning in Business Organisation. 4. Developing Managements for Organisation. 5. Decision Making in Management. 6. Tools for Strategic Planning. 7. Professional Employee. 8. Creation of Plan in Organisation. 9. Creation of Plan in Organisation. 10. Management by mathematics Numbers. 11. Future Vision of MBO. 12. Recognizing Management techniques. 13. Self-Evaluating Organiszation. 14. Common Barriers to Productivity Improvement.
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process f agreeing upon objectives within an organization so that management and employees buy in to the objectives and understand what they are. The process requires that the manager and the employee agree to what the employee will attempt to achieve in the period ahead, and (Very important) that the employee accept and buy into the objectives (otherwise commitment will be lacking). Then the manager and the employee need to discuss what s being planned, what the time-schedule is and what the indicator might or might not be. Thereafter the two of them should liaise to ensure that the objective is being attended to and will be delivered on time.