CONTENTS:- Foreword; Preface; List of Tables; List of Figures; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; Feudalism and its meaning; The reassessment of evidence (Bhumidana/Land Grants) Concerning feudalism in Indian context; Land Ownership and Bhumidana in Ancient India; Meaning; Object and significance of Bhumidana; Bhumidana as financial support to education; Viharas; Mathas; Temples and learned brahmanas; Guilds; Charity and Feudalism; conclusions; References;
This work of Dr. Sima Yadav attempts systematic refutation of R.S. Sharma's theory of Indian Feudalism after subjecting a regorous reassessment of land/village grants of Gurjar Pratihars, Pala, Parmara and Chandela dynasties and consolidating the observation of the reassessment in tabular form.