CONTENTS:- 1. Mushroom: an overview. 2. Laboratory equipments, glasswares and chemicals. 3. Sterilization, disinfection and pasteurization techniques. 4. Preparation of culture media. 5. Isolation of mushroom strain. 6. Maintenance and preservation of mushroom culture. 7. Spawn production and spawning techniques. 8. Cultivation of Oyster mushroom (pleurotus spp.). 9. Cultivation of button mushroom (Agari bisporus). 10. Cultivation of milky white mushroom (calocybe indica). 11. Cultivation of paddy straw mushroom (volvariella spp.). 12. Cultivation of speciality mushrooms. 13. Edible and poisonous mushrooms. 14. Nutritional and medicinal value of mushrooms. 15. Packing and preservation of mushrooms. 16. Identification key to edible mushrooms and its contaminants. 17. Mushroom crop management. 18. Economics of mushroom spawn production and mushroom cultivation. 19. Mushroom recipes.