263p., Bib., 23 cm. (Kashi Ayurveda Series No. 102)
The book Ayurveda for Health and Family Welfare is the first book in the history of Ayurveda. there is a vivid description about maintenance of Health through Swastha Vritta, Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Brahmacharya, sleep, exercise and practice of Yoga. This book consists of 4 parts 1st Part A deals with Swasthavritta which is essential to people in this so called civilized world to get their bodily and mentally ailments cured or atleast prevented. Part B: Deals with epidemic and endemic disease and ways and means of their control. Part C: Details about family from birth to menopause for woman and to gents from child to old age. Part D: Exhaustively deals with family planning in ancient India more than five thousands years ago, the nirodh like sheaths were used and Vasectomy and operations are also advised. The spermicidal drugs are also used for contraception. This books is written by an Ayurveda professor repute will be useful to Health and Family Welfare department as well as Ayush Department.