CONTENTS:- 1. Classification of personality in Charaka Samhita; 2. Food habits; 3. Dress and other personal requisites in ancient India; 4. Toilet; 5. Dravidic eating and drinking; 6. Diseases and their remedies in medieval Tamil country; 7. Curing power of Indian culture; 8. Medicine and surgery between the first and the third century; 9. Theory of medicine in the eleventh century; 10. Prolongation of life; 11. Medical science in early Arab world: a brief survey; 12. Ibn Sina: a philosopher physician.
Oriental system of medicine has had a great legacy on par with the western system. It is aptly said where western system of medicine ceases functioning there starts the Ayurveda and the oriental system. In the modern era when very complicated and incurable diseases and health problems are arising, medical scientists are leaning to the oriental options. Ancient sages in India were aware of the intricacies of the body and the mysteries of the mind. Their thoughts and teachings were crystalized in the form of a great system of medicine that is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a life science which includes in its ambit all the principles governing the mechanism of body (anatomy) and mind in health and sickness. The present book consists of twelve chapters each highlighting some specific aspect of Indian system of medicine. Undoubtedly, this book will be useful for scholars, as well as laymen besides medical practitioners and historians in the field.