CONTENTS: 1. Introduction. 2. Chirality. 3. Geometric isomerism. 4. Racemic modifications. 5. Configuration. 6. Conformations of acyclic and cyclic systems. 7. The stereochemistry of trivalent carbon. 8. Elimination reactions. 9. Stereoselective synthesis and stereoregulated polymerisation.
A study of stereochemistry now form an essential part of the chemistry courses in all universities. It is inseparably linked with virtually all branches of chemistry notably synthetic and mechanistic chemistry, and polymer chemistry. It has an important bearing on such diversified subjects as spectroscopy, engineering and exobiology. Inspite of the importance of the subject, however there are not many comprehensive textbooks on stereochemistry are available. The present text is an effort to fill up this void in the stereochemical literature. With the concept of the subject having undergone a tremendous change in recent years, the present volume is intended to provide an up-to-date knowledge of the subject according to the needs of the students. The purpose of the book is also to show as to how an understanding of the concept of stereochemistry can be usefully applied in thinking about and planning to answer related problems.