Advanced Study in the History of Modern India (three volumes) was first published in 1971, and the present third edition has been extensively revised and updated with the new findings wherever thrown up by the current researches. It covers the entire period of the Indian History from 1707 to 1947. The downfall of the Mughals, expansion of the Maratha power and its downfall together with the histories of the Punjab, Mysore, Hyderabad and Oudh state etc., so far as relevant to the three volumes, have all been dealt with comprehensively. The rise of the British power from the foundation of the East India Company, its rivalry with the other European trading concerns in India, its ultimate success in that rivalry and the expansion of its territorial hold till 1858 when the British Corwn directly took over in India; the administrative reforms thereafter, the constitutional developments, the Nationalist Movement and the life sketches of the valiant fighters for the independence of the country till the British found it prudent to leave in 1947 - all this has been vividly and critically examined in these volumes. All the available primary and secondary published works have been judiciously used to make account authentic and dependable. Efforts have been made to give refreshing interpretations and throw up new ideas here and there to inspire the imagination of those who would like to go deeper into the subject.