With a foreword by Prof. Girishwar Mishra; xxi, 207p., Abb., Bib., Index, 23 cm.
CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction: Purpose and Perspective; 2. Development of Epistemology; A. Western Epistemology: Thinkers and Theories; B. Indian Epistemology: An Overview; 3. Nyaya Philosophy: Its Epistemological Assumptions; A. Nature of Knowledge; B. Methods of Knowledge; Ordinary Perception and its Objects; Inference (Anumana); What is Upamana?; Verbal Testimony (Sabda); Nyaya Epistemology and Education; A. Zeroing in on Education; B. Pedagogy: A Paradigm Shift; 5. Some Contentions.
This book provides a detailed account of Nyaya philosophy from the perspective of Naiyayika way of knowing. It examines the Nyaya way of knowing and highlights its scope and interface with education. In short what follows is a detailed resume the epistemological mapping of broadways of Naiyayika assumptions, a reflective response to the conceptual contours and the educational import of Nyaya epistemology.