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CONTENTS:- Vol.1. 1. Ayurvedic Materia Medica, Containing an Account of the Principal Medicine: A: Aconite, Aloes..; B: Balsam of Capivi or Copaiva, Balsam of Peru..; C: Cadmium, Calomel..; D: Daffy's Elixir, Dandelion..; E: Elixir of Vitriol, Emetic Tartar..; F: Foxglove; G: Gamboge, Ginger..; H: Hartshorn Shavings, Hellebore..; I: Iceland Moss, Iodine..; J: Jalap, James's Powder..; K: Kino, Kousso..; L: Lactucarium or juice of Lettuce, Laudanum..; M: Magnesis, Manna..; N: Nitre, Nitric Acid..; O: Oil of Turpentine, Opium..; P: Pareira Brava, Paregoric Elixir..; Q: Quassia; R: Rhatany root, Rhubarb..; S: Sal Ammoniac, Sal Volatile..; T: Tar water, Thorn Apple..; V: Valerian, Veratria..; W: Water, Wild Cucumber..; Z: Zinc; 2. Collection of Approved Prescriptions and Medical Preparations Adopted to Family and Domestic use: B: Balsams, Blood-Letting..; C: Cataplasms or Poultices, Clysters or Enemas..; D: Decoctions, Draughts..; E: Electuaries, Embrocations and Liniments..; F: Fomentations; G: Gargles; I: Infusions, Intoxication..; L: Linctus, Lotions..; M: Mixtures; O: Ointments and Cerates; P: Pills, Powders..; S: Syrups; T: Tinctures, Compound Tincture of Benjamin..; W: Waters by Infusion, Wines..; 3. The Means of Preventing the Generation, and Checking the Progress of Typhus, and other Malignant Fevers: D: Dislocations; F: Fractures or broken bones; P: Poisons; S: Substances lodged in the gullet or in the windpiper; 4. Management of Infants and Young Children: A: Air; C: Cold bathing; D: Dentition or teething, Dress and Dressing..; E: Exercise and Sleep; F: Food and feeding; 5. General Principles in the Treatment of Disease; 6. Nature, Symptoms, Causes, Distinction and Treatment of Diseases: A: Ague or Intermittent fever, Apoplexy..; B: Barrenness, Bilious complaints..; C: Cancer, Carbuncle..; D: Deafness, Delirium Tremens..; E: Ear-Ache, Epilepsy or falling fits..;
Vol.2. E: Eruptions on the skin, Erysipelas..; F: Fainting or Syncope, Fever..; G: Gall-stones, Gastric or remittent fever..; H: Head-ache, Heartburn..; I: Incontinence of urine, Indigestion or Dyspepsia..; J: Jaundice; L: Leprosy, Liver complaint..; M: Measles, Menstruation..; N: Nettle-rash, Neuralgia..; P: Pain in the stomach, Palpitation of the heart..; R: Rheumatism, Rickets..; S: Saint Vitus's dance, Scarlet fever..; T: Tenesmus or straining, Tetanus..; U: Ulcers; V: Vomiting, Vomiting of blood..; W: Warts, Water in the head..; Y: Yellow fever; Medicines Commonly used in Domestic Practice: With their proper Doses for Adults and Children; Appendix of Prescriptions; Appendix: The Cold-Water system. |
The treatise presents a clear and correct description of the nature, symptoms, causes, distinction and most approved treatment of the diseases to which the human frame is liable. The author tries to lay before his reader a just and clear view of the nature of the different maladies treated of, and the best and most manageable remedies for the relief of pain and irritation, and the cure of disease. In every case, the head of treatment has received the greatest attention, because it is the most important; and under this division the plan or plans of management which are generally applicable to the particular malady treated of, and which are the most certain of success, in the majority of cases, have in general been first laid down, and in general been first laid down, and afterwards almost every other useful remedy has been described separately so that the user will find a determinate mode of treatment, of general and superior efficacy detailed under each malady for which he may be desirous of prescribing. |