Vol.1: Health and Family Welfare and Developing Countries:
I. Food & Nutrition : A Tool for Development: 1. Various factors for determination of nutritional status. 2. Science of food & nutrition. 3. Epidemiology and biological factors. 4. Life style and food habits. 5. Nutrition and breast cancer. 6. Minerals in food and nutrition. Appendices: 1. Recommended dietary allowances for Indians. 2. Glassary. 3. Cancer at a glance. II. Health & Family Welfare in Developing Countries: 7. Welfare in developing countries. 8. The PPE spiral. 9. The synergism of solutions. 10. Nuptiality. 11. Approach for family planning. 12. Family planning practices. 13. Fertility in the Indian context. 14. Fertility preferences. 15. Morbidity and mortality. 16. Maternal and child health. 17. Infants feeding and child nutrition. Case Studies : 1. Family welfare programme in Andhra Pradesh. 2. Family welfare programme in Maharashtra. 3. The family welfare programme in Rajasthan. 4. RCH in Alur Mandal of Andhra Pradesh.
Vol.2: Health and Nutritional Programme for Women and Child Development:
I. Health and Nutrition for Child Development: 1. Child nutrition: gender issues. 2. Child health and education. 3. Health activities. 4. Nutritional status: impact of causative factors. 5. Environmental and child health care. 6. Basic problems of schools. 7. The emerging picture: an overall view. 8. Nutrition and development of the human brain. 9. Prenatal nutrition and child development. 10. Malnutrition in children. 11. Development of the handicapped. 12. Nutrition and dental actitvities. 13. Mental hygiene. 14. School controls of disease. 15. Physical education and child health. 16. Prenatal nutrition. 17. Psychological testing in studies of malnutrition. 18. Health & nutritional profile of rural child. 19. Towards better nutrition: some suggestions. Bibliography. Annexures I-IX. II. Health and Nutritional Programmes for Women: 20. Social welfare concepts. 21. Social welfare in India. 22. Conferences and Committees for the welfare of women. 23. An overview of women’s health and nutrition. 24. Health, family planning and nutrition. 25. Factors affecting family planning. 26. Women’s perspective on family planning. 27. The medical termination of pregnancy act, 1971. Annexures I-III.
Vol.3: Health and Family Welfare in Uttar Pradesh:
1. Child health & poverty under constitution of India. 2. Occurance and reoccurance of key communicable diseases. 3. Protein Calorie malnutrition. 4. Main categories of food. 5. Nutrition and health. 6. Environment and health. 7. Occupational health. 8. Impact of dust pollution on the health of girl child a case of U.P. 9. Mental health. 10. Vector borne disease. 11. Major causes of morbidity and mortality. 12. Tuberculosis. 13. Leprosy. 14. Sexually transmitted diseases. 15. Vaccine preventable diseases. 16. Iodine deficiency and the resulting disorders. 17. Blindness. 18. Disability. 19. Status of women and health. 20. Maternal nutrition. 21. Maternal and child health. 22. Maternal and child health according to NFHS. 23. Reproductive health and family welfare programme. 24. Development indicators. Annexures. Appendices.