The book covers multiple socio-cultural and biological dimensions of researches in Indian anthropology. Trained and professional anthropologists engaged in various universities, as also in various anthropological organizations in the country, have contributed articles for this illustrious volume. The various socio-cultural dimensions that it covers are- from Art of Body Decoration to the Anthropology of Sacred Centers; from Maternal Education to the Effect of Women's Status in Family Size; from Female Infanticide, and Women in Development to the Indian Women in Transition; from Tribal Indebtedness, and Displacement and Deprivation of Tribesmen to the Weekly Tribal Market; from Anthropology of Religion to Anthropology of Health; from Medical Anthropology to Ethno medicines; and from Educational Development to the Nutritional Problems of the Tribesmen. In the field of biological anthropology the dimensions include- from Oral Health to Morphological Study of Hair; and from Finger Dermatoglaphics to Inbreeding Effects on Genetic Load, Crow's Index, and Inbreeding Coefficients. Thus, the volume covers a wide range of topics of great anthropological interest.