168p., 26 Col. & 204 B/W Illus., 7 Line Drawings, 29 cm.
CONTENTS:- Introduction, Center and Location of Art Remains; Style and Form of Art and Architecture; Brahmanical Images (Siva, Visnu and Brahma); Brahmanical Images (Surya, Ganesa, Karttikeya, Dikapalas, Devi & Syncretic Icons); Jaina Images; Other Themes and Motifs.
The region watered by the Saraswati and Drishadwati rivers in the past yore now occupied by the Haryana state, has been a geographical and cultural entity of undivided Punjab. This book contains the rarest sculptures housed in the Department of Archaeology and Museum and author's own findings in Haryana province. It provides a study of the art style, forms, art-centres, iconographic, details and the role of Haryana in the field of art activities during the early medieval period in relation with the Indian sub-continent. It covers the theme, content and iconographic development of religious and secular icons and gives an assessment of the art of the early medieval Haryana.