1. Introduction.
2. Tibet's war with the Dogras and the Gurkhas and its reflection on relations with China and Britain: 1841-1861.
3. Sino-British rivalry and the trans-Himalayan politics: 1849-1893.
4. Events leading to the British expedition to Lhasa, the treaties and their results: 1899-1907.
5. Tibet's struggle for autonomy: 1908-1914.
6. Conclusion.
1. Ladakhi letter of agreement, 1842.
2. Tibetan letter of agreement, 1842.
3. Lore Hardinge to the Vizier of Lhasa-Gartope and the authorities in Tibet, August 4, 1846.
4. Tibet Ladakh agreement, 1853.
5. Treat between Tibet and Nepal, 1856.
6. Regulations regarding trade, communication and pasturage to be appended to the convention between Great Britain and China of March 17, 1890, relative to Sikkim and Tibet signed at Darjeeling, December 5, 1893.
7. Imperial decree of February 25, 1910.