Indian culture believes in co¬operation and co-existence with nature and not in hostility towards it - contrary to the consumeristic western culture.
Indian Vedanta visualizes the supreme power God in all constituents of Nature including animals and plants. That is why unnecessary killing or even harming the smallest plant or animal is considered prohibited. Not only the living but the non¬living objects like mountains, rivers, lakes, etc are considered integral part of the divine and attempts have been made to protect them.
Experiencing oneness even with the minutest particle of Nature and harming Nature the least as far as possible has been the ideal of Indian life. That is why the Ancient Indians were contented with whatever Little they had. When the desire to get more, hoard more and consume more becomes strong, the exploitation of Natural resources begins. Let us take out only that much from Nature which does not disfigure it. Nature has extraordinary power to renovate and rejuvenate itself. The stories of ancient scriptures are full of the inter-relationship between Nature, divinity, man, animals and plants. Matsya, Kurma and Varah incarnations of Lord Vishnu are represented by animal forms. Many Birds and animals are the vehicles of our Gods and goddesses. Many Plants and Trees are adorable for us.
Indian culture believes in Live and Let Live. Let us be sensitive towards nature and take care of it. Nature will reward us handsomely for our well being. |