CONTENTS:- 1. Priesteley and Lavoisier and the Chemical Revolution. 2. The Life and Adventures of Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford. 3. William Herschel and the Discovery of the Planet Uranus. 4. Fabre, Poet of Science. 5. Faraday and His Electricals Discoveries. 6. The Curies and the Discovery of Radium. 7. Darwin and Wallace and the Evolutionary Theory. 8. Pasteur and His Work on Germs and Inoculations.
The book is the Study of biographies of Great Scientists and their works in the vast field of Scientific discovery, the choice of eight or ten names from great number of those whose work places them in the front rank was necessarily difficult, and some plan to guide selection had to be made. It was therefore decided to choose, as far as possible, one representative of each branch of Science with which those who have had a good General Education are likely to be familiar, and then, from among the possible candidates to choose the man and Woman whose life had special human or dramatic interests. Priesteley and and Lavoisier are choosen to represent the chemical revolution, because their lifes are more interesting on the non-scientific side, Account of his adventurous life, and Fabre to represent Nature study because of the charm of his personality. Darwin and Wallace are choosen for their theory of Natural section which marks an epoch in Biological sciences. For a similar reason, Pastuer and Curies are also included. This book will be useful of every Student and Teacher of science.