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CONTENTS:- Vol. I: National and Global Environment (1921-1959): 1. Convention concerning the use of White Lead in Painting, 1921. 2. Protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of Asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, 1925. 3. The Indian Forest Act, 1927. 4. Convention relative to the preservation of Fauna and Flora in their Natural state, 1933. 5. International Plant Protection Convention, 1951. 6. Convention relative to the preservation of fauna and flora in their natural state, 1933. 7. Convention on nature protection and wildlife preservation in the Western Hemisphere, 1940. 8. Charter of the United Nations, 1945. 9. International convention for the regulation of whaling (as amended), 1946. 10. Environment related Provisions of the Factories Act, 1948. 11. Convention for the establishment of an Inter-American tropical Tuna Commission, 1949. 12. Agreement for the establishment of a general fisheries council for the Mediterranean, 1949 (as amended). 13. International convention for the protection of birds, 1950. 14. Environment related provisions of Criminal Procedure code, 1950. 15. Environment related provision of Indian Penal Code, 1951. 16. Convention for the establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation, 1951 (as amended). 17. Agreement concerning measures for protection of the stocks of Deep-sea Prawans (Pandalus borealis), European Lobsters (Homarus vulgaris), Norway Lobsters (Nephrops norveqicus) and crabs (Cancer paqurus), 1952 (as amended). 18. International convention for the high seas fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean, 1952 (as amended). 19. International convention for the prevention of pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954. 20. Phyto-Sanitary convention for Africa South of the Sahara, 1954. 21. Plant protection agreement for the South-East Asia and Pacific region, 1956 (as amended). 22. Recommendation concerning the protection and integration of indigenous and other tribal and semi-tribal populations in independent countries, 1957. 23. Interim convention on conservation of North Pacific fur seals, 1957 (as amended). 24. Convention concerning fishing in the waters of the Danube, 1958. 25. Convention on the continental shelf, 1958. 26. Convention of fishing and conservation of the living resources of the high seas, 1958. 27. Convention on the high seas, 1958. 28. North-East Atlantic fisheries convention, 1959. 29. Convention concerning fishing in the black sea, 1959 (as amended). 30. The Antarctic treaty, 1959. 31. Agreement concerning cooperation in the Quarantine of plants and their protection against pests and diseases, 1959. Vol. II: National and Global Environment (1960-1971): 1. Convention concerning the protection of workers against ionising radiations, 1960. 2. Convention on third party liability in the field of nuclear energy, 1960 (as amended). 3. Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 1960. 4. Protocol concerning the constitution of an International Commission for the protection of the Moselle against pollution, 1961. 5. Convention on the African Migratory Locust, 1962. 6. Agreement concerning cooperation in Marine fishing, 1962. 7. Convention supplementary to the Paris Convention of Third Party liability in the field of nuclear energy, 1963, (as amended). 8. Agreement concerning the International Commission for the protection of the Rhine against pollution, 1963 (as amended). 9. Vienna convention on civil liability for nuclear damage, 1963. 10. Optional protocol concerning the compulsory settlement of disputes, 1963. 11. Agreement for the establishment of a commission for controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern region of its distribution area in South-West Asia, 1963 (as amended). 12. Memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics regarding the establishment of a Direct Communications Link, 1963. 13. Convention and statute relating to the development of the Chad Basin, 1964, (as amended). 14. Convention for the International Council for the exploration of the sea, 1964, (as amended). 15. Agreement for the establishment of a commission for controlling the Desert Locust in the near east, 1965 (as amended). 16. International convention for the conservation of Atlantic Tunas, 1966. 17. Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space including the moon and other Celestial bodies, 1967. 18. Phyto-sanitary convention for Africa, 1967. 19. African convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources, 1968. 20. European agreement on the restriction of the use of certain detergents in washing and cleaning products, 1968. 21. European convention for the protection of animal during International Transport, 1968. 22. European convention on the protection of the archaeological heritage, 1969. 23. Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil, 1969. 24. Convention on the conservation of the living resources of the South-East Atlantic, 1969. 25. International convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage, 1969 (as amended). 26. International convention relating to intervention on the high seas in cases of oil pollution casualties, 1969. 27. Benelux convention on the hunting and protection of birds, 1970 (as amended). 28. Agreement for the establishment of a commission for controlling the Desert Locust in North-West Africa, 1970 (as amended). 29. Convention on Wetlands of international importance especially as waterfowl habitat, 1971. 30. Treaty on the prohibition of the emplacement of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction on the sea-bed the ocean floor and in the subsoil theeof, 1971. 31. Amendments to the International Convention for the prevention of pollution of the sea by oil, 1954, concerning Tank arrangements and limitation of Tank size, 1971. 32. Agreement on measures to reduce the risk of outbreak of nuclear war between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1971. 33. Convention concerning protection against hazards of poisoning arising from Benzene, 1971. 34. Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on measures to improve the U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. direct communications link with annex supplementing and modifying the memorandum of understanding with annex, of June 20, 1963. Vol. III: National and Global Environment (1971-1972): 1. The Founex Report, 1971. 2. Convention relating to civil liability in the field of maritime carriage of nuclear material, 1971 648. 3. International convention on the establishment of an International Fund for compensation for oil pollution damage, 1971 (as amended). 4. Convention for the prevention of marine pollution by dumping from ships and aircraft, 1972 (as amended). 5. The Stockholm declaration (Stockholm Sweden 5-16 June 1972). 6. Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter, 1972 (as amended). 7. General Assembly resolution on institutional and financial arrangements for international environmental co-operation, 1972. 8. Agreement between the United States and the USSR on cooperation in the field of environmental protection (1972). 9. Organisation for economic co-operation and development: guiding principles on the environment, 1972. 10. Salt (Strategic arms limitation talks), 1972. 11. Interim agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on certain measures with respect to the limitation of strategic offensive arms, 1972. 12. Interim agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on certain measures with respect to the limitation of strategic offensive arms, 1972. 13. Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the limitation of Anti-Ballistic missile systems, 1972. 14. Convention concerning the status of the Senegal River and convention establishing the Senegal River Development Organisation, 1972 (as amended). 15. Convention for the conservation of Antarctic seals, 1972. 16. Convention on the prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin weapons and on their destruction, 1972. 17. Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage, 1972. 18. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972. Vol. IV: National and Global Environment (1973-1975): 1. Convention on fishing and conservation of the living resources in the Baltic Sea and belts, 1973. 2. Convention on International Trade in endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973. 3. Convention on International Trade in endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973. 4. Convention on International Trade in endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973. 5. International convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973. 6. Agreement on conservation of polar bears, 1973. 7. Convention establishing a permanent inter-state drought control committee for the Sahel, 1973. 8. Protocol relating to intervention on the High Seas in cases of marine pollution by substances other than oil, 1973. 9. The wild life (Stock declaration) Central Rules, 1973. 10. The cocoyoc declaration, 1974. 11. Convention on the protection of the environment between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, 1974. 12. Convention on the prevention of marine pollution from land-based sources, 1974. 13. Convention concerning prevention and control of occupational hazards caused by Carcinogenic substances and agents, 1974.14. Agreement on an International Energy Programme, 1974. 15. Convention on the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea area, 1974 (as amended). 16. Organisation for economic co-operation and development. 17. Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the limitation of underground nuclear weapon tests and protocol to the treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the limitation of underground nuclear weapon tests, 1974. 18. Protocol to the treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the limitation of underground nuclear weapon tests, 1974. 19. The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. 20. The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1975. 21. Central Board for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution (Procedure and transaction of business) Rules, 1975. Vol. V: National and Global Environment (1976-1980): 1. Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution 1976. 2. Convention on the protection of the Rhine against chemical pollution, 1976. 3. Convention concerning the protection of the Rhine against pollution by Chlorides, 1976. 4. Convention on the prohibition of Military or any other Hostile use of environmental modification techniques, 1976. 5. Convention on conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals, 1976. 6. Convention on conservation of nature in the South Pacific, 1976. 7. Convention on the protection of the archeological, historical and artistic heritage of the American Nations, 1976. 8. Protocol for the prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft, 1976. 9. Protocol concerning co-operation in combating pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency, 1976. 10. European convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, 1976. 11. Agreement concerning the protection of the water of the Mediterranean Shores, 1976. 12. Govt. of India, Dept, of Ocean Development Maritime Zones, Act, 1976. 13. Declaration of principles for the defense of the indigenous nations and peoples of the Western Hemisphere, 1977. 14. Convention concerning the protection of workers against occupational hazards in the working environment due to air pollution, noise and vibration, 1977. 15. Convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage resulting from exploration for and exploitation of sea-bed mineral resources, 1977. 16. Convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage resulting from exploration for and exploitation of Seabed mineral resources, 1977. 17. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977. 18. Kuwait regional convention for co-operation on the protection of the marine environment from pollution, 1978. 19. Treaty for Amazonian co-operation, 1978. 20. Protocol concerning regional co-operation in combating pollution by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency, 1978. 21. Agreement between The United States and Canada on great lakes water quality, 1978. 22. Convention in future multilateral co-operation in the Northwest Atlantic fisheries, 1978. 23. Major international shipping conventions and recommendations, 1972-1978. 24. The water (Prevention and control of pollution) Cess Rules, 1978. 25. Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats, 1979 (Berne convention) 19-9-79. 26. Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution, 1979. 27. Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals, 1979. 28. Convention for the conservation and management of the Vicuna, 1979. 29. Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material, 1980. 30. Convention on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources, 1980. 31. European outline convention on transfrontier co-operation between territorial communities or authorities, 1980. 32. Convention on future multilateral co-operation in North-East Atlantic fisheries, 1980. 33. Convention creating the Niger Basin authority and protocol relating to the development fund of the Niger Basin, 1980. 34. Agreement of cooperation between the United States of America and the United Mexican States regarding pollution of the marine environment by discharges of hydrocarbons and other hazardous substances, 1980. 35. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. Vol. VI: National and Global Environment (1981-1985): 1. Convention concerning occupational safety and health and working environment, 1981. 2. Convention for co-operation in the protection and development of the marine and coastal environment of the West and Central African region, 1981. 3. Protocol concerning co-operation in combating pollution in cases of emergency, 1981. 4. Convention for the protection of the marine environment and coastal area of the South-East Pacific, 1981. 5. Agreement on regional co-operation in combating pollution of the South-East Pacific by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency, 1981. 6. The air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. 7. Ministry of works and housing notification, 1981. 8. The Forest (Conservation) Rules, 1981. 9. Programme for the development and periodic review of environmental law, 1981. 10. United Nations convention on the law of sea, 1982. 11. Nairobi declaration, 1982. 12. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 7 (XXXVII) World Charter for Nature, 1982. 13. Regional convention for the conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment, 1982. 14. Protocol concerning regional co-operation in combating pollution by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency, 1982. 15. Convention for the conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic, 1982. 16. Benelux convention on nature conservation and landscape protection, 1982. 17. Protocol concerning Mediterranean specially protected areas, 1982. 18. Department of ocean development, Govt. of India Ocean policy statement, 1982. 19. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1982. 20. Convention for the protection and development of the marine environment of the Wider Caribbean Region, 1983. 21. International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1983. 22. Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances, 1983. 23. Agreement between the United States of America and the United Mexican States on cooperation for the protection and improvement of the environment in the border area, 1983. 24. Supplementary protocol to the agreement on regional co-operation in combating pollution of the South-East Pacific by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency, 1983. 25. Protocol for the protection of the South-East Pacific against pollution from land-based sources, 1983. 26. The wild life (Protection) Licensing (Additional matters for consideration) Rules, 1983. 27. The air (Prevention and control of pollution) (Union territories) Rules, 1983. 28. Protocol to the 1979 convention on long-range transboundary air pollution on long-term financing of the co-operative programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP),1984. 29. Protocol to the 1979 convention on long-range transboundary air pollution on the reduction of Sulphur emissions or their transboundary fluxes by at least 30 per cent, 1985. 30. Vienna convention for the protection of the Ozone Layer, 1985. 31. United National Environment Programme: Montreal guidelines on the protection of the marine environment against pollution from land-based sources, 1985. 32. Protocol concerning protected areas and wild fauna and flora in the Eastern African region, 1985. 33. Convention concerning occupational health services, 1985. 34. South Pacific nuclear free Zone Treaty, 1985. 35. ASEAN agreement on the conservation of nature and natural resources, 1985. Vol. VII: National and Global Environment (1986-1988): 1. Convention concerning safety in the use of Asbestos, 1986. 2. East-West diplomacy for environment in the UN, New York, 1986. 3. Convention on early notification of a Nuclear Accident, 1986. 4. Convention on assistance in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency, 1986. 5. Organisation for economic co-operation and development: council decision-recommendation on exports of hazardous wastes from the OECD Area, 1986. 6. Convention on conditions for registration of ships, 1986. 7. Agreement on the preservation of confidentiality of data concerning deep sea-bed areas, 1986. 8. Convention for the protection of natural resources and environment of the South Pacific region, 1986. 9. Protocol for the prevention of pollution of the South Pacific Region by dumping, 1986. 10. Protocol concerning co-operation in combating pollution emergencies in the South Pacific Region, 1986. 11. The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986. 12. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. 13. Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987. 14. Agreement on the action plan for the environmentally sound management of the common Zambezi River system, 1987. 15. UNESCO-UNEP Congress Mockba, environmental education and training, 1987. 16. Environmental laboratories and analysts, 1987. 17. Agreement on the network of aquaculture centres in Asia and the Pacific, 1988. 18. Organisation of African Unity Council of Ministers’ resolution on dumping of nuclear and industrial wastes in Africa, 1988. 19. Convention on the regulation of Antarctic mineral resource activities, 1988. 20. United Nations General Assembly: resolution 53 (XLIII) protection of Global climate for present and future generations of mankind, 1988. 21. Organisation for economic co-operation and development, 1988. 22. Joint protocol relating to the application of the Vienna convention and the Paris convention, 1988. 23. Protocol to the 1979 convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of mission of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes, 1988. Vol. VIII: National and Global Environment (1989-1990): 1. Summary of proposed legal principles for environmental protection and sustainable development adopted by the WCED experts group on Environmental Law, 1989. 2. Basel convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal, 1989. 3. Convention concerning indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries, 1989. 4. Protocol for the conservation and management of protected marine and coastal areas of the South-East Pacific, 1989. 5. Protocol for the protection of the South-East Pacific against radioactive contamination, 1989. 6. Convention for the prohibition of fishing with long Drift Nets in the South Pacific, 1989. 7. Convention for the prohibition of fishing with long Drift Nets in the South Pacificl, 1989. 8. International convention on salvage, 1989. 9. Organisation for economic co-operation and development: council recommendation on the application of the polluter-pays principle to accidental pollution, 1989. 10. Convention on civil liability for damage caused during carriage of dangerous goods by road, rail and Inland navigation vessels, 1989. 11. Amazon declaration, 1989. 12. Declaration of the Hague, 1989. 13. Declaration of Brasilia, 1989. 14. Helsinki declaration on the protection of the Ozone Layer, 1989. 15. Economic declaration, Summit of the Arch, 1989. 16. Noordwijk declaration on climate change, 1989. 17. Male declaration on global warming and sea level rise, 1989. 18. United Nations General Assembly: resolution 228 (XLIV) United Nations Conference on environment and development, 1989. 19. United Nations General Assembly: resolution 229 (XLIV) International co-operation in the field of the environment, 1989. 20. United Nations environment programme Governing Council Decision 15/34, preparation of an International Legal Instrument on the biological diversity of the planet, 1989. 21. United Nations environment programmer Governing Council Decision 15/36, global climate change, 1989. 22. Basel convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal, 1989. 23. European Economic Community: council resolution on the greenhouse effect and the community, 1989. 24. Agreement between the United States of America and the United Mexican States, 1989. 25. Rules for the manufacture, use, import, export and storage of hazardous micro organisms genetically engineered organisms or cells, 1989. 26. The manufacture, storage, and import of hazardous chemicals rules, 1989. 27. Hazardous wastes (Management and handling) rules, 1989. 28. Amendment to the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer, 1990. 29. Implementation of the declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace, 1990. 30. Convention concerning safety in the use of chemicals at work, 1990. 31. Protocol concerning specially protected areas and wildlife to the convention for the protection and development of the marine environment of the Wider Caribbean Region, 1990. 32. International maritime organisation conference on International co-operation on oil pollution preparedness and response, 1990. 33. The circular concerning Joint Forest Management, 1990. Vol. IX: National and Global Environment (1991-1992): 1. Regional Seas programme, 1991. 2. Draft International Convention on liability and compensation for damage in connection with the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances by sea dated 3 December 1991. 3. Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context Espoo (Findland), 25 Feb., 1991. 4. Protocol to the 1979 convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of Volatile organic compounds or their transboundary fluxes, 1991. 5. The Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991. 6. Notifications relevant to EP Rules, 1991. 7. Delegation of powers to the Central Pollution Control Board, 1991. 8. Govt. of India scheme labelling of environment friendly products (Eco-Mark), 1991. 9. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991. 10. Implementation of the First Montevideo Programme for the development and periodic review of environmental law, 1992. 11. Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents, Helsinki, 17 March 1992. 12. Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and International Lakes, 1992. Vol. X: National and Global Environment (1992): 1. Rio declaration and forest principles, 1992. 2. Press summary of Agenda 21, 1992. 3. Agenda 21: United Nations Conference on environment and development, 1992. Vol. XI: National and Global Environment (1992): 1. Agenda 21: United Nations Conference on environment and development, 1992. 2. United Nations framework convention on climate change, 1992. 3. UN convention on desertification, 1992. 4. The convention on biological diversity, 1992. 5. National conservation strategy and policy statement on environment and development, 1992. 6. Govt. of India, ministry of environment and forests notification, 1992. 7. Environmental impact assessment notifications, 1992. Vol. XII: National and Global Environment (1993-1995): 1. Programme for the development and periodic review of environmental law, 1993. 2. Relevant environment related provisions of the constitutions of India, 1993. 3. Programme of action for small Island States, 1994. 4. Environmental procedures and guidelines Govt. of India. 5. Ministry of environment and forests, 1994. 6. The environment impact assessment notification, 1994. 7. EIA: notification III, 1994. 8. Agreement on high seas fishing, 1995. 9. Antarctic treaty consultative parties: measures relating to the furtherance of the principles and objectives of the Antarctic Treaty, 1995. 10. Antarctic Treaty consultative parties: decision 1 (1995) on measures, decisions and resolution and decision 2 (1995) on rules or procedures: amendment. 11. The wild life (Protection) rules, 1995. 12. The National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995. 13. Review of the second Montevideo programme for the development and periodic review of environmental law, 1995. Vol. XIII: National and Global Environment (1996-1997): 1. The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification Govt. of India, 1996. 2. Draft Ocean Regulation Zone (ORZ) notification, 1996. 3. Contracting parties to the convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter (London convention), 1972: Final act, 1996. 4. Indian Council for Enviro-Legal action petitioner, 1996. 5. Earth Summit + 5, 1997. 6. Notification concerning open burning oil, 1997. 7. Notification concerning ban on import of hazardous wastes, 1997. 8. The national environment Appellate Act, 1997. 9. Ministry of environment and forests Govt. of India, 1997. 10. Public hearing notifications, 1997. 11. Earth Summit+5: special session of the General Assembly to review and appraise the implementation of Agenda 21, 1997. 12. Global environment facility, 1997. 13. Global environment facility, 1997. 14. Global environment facility: relations with conventions, 1997. Vol. XIV: National and Global Environment (1997-2002): 1. United Nations: General Assembly Resolution A/RES/S-19/2 of the nineteenth special session on progress achieved towards meeting objectives of the Earth Summit with annex on a programme for the further implementation of Agenda 21, 1997. GEF project proposal guidelines, 1997. 3. Global environmental facility: get project cycle, 1997. 4. Global environment facility: operational strategy of the global environment facility, 1997. 5. Global environment facility: procedures for GEF operational programming, 1997. 6. Global environment facility: incremental costs, 1997. 7. Ministry of environment and forests Govt. of India, 1998. 8. The Gazette of India: extraordinary, 1999. 9. Ministry of environment and forests Govt. of India: order, 1999. 10. Ministry of environment and forest: notification, New Delhi, the 5 August, 1999. 11. Ministry of environment and forest: notification, New Delhi, the 29 September, 1999. 12. The biological diversity bill, 2000. 13. Commission on sustainable development acting as the preparatory committee for the World Summit on sustainable development, 2002. 14. Report of the commission on sustainable development acting as the preparatory committee for the World Summit on sustainable development. Vol. XV: National and Global Environment (2002): 1. World Summit on sustainable development, 2002. 2. United Nations: World Summit on sustainable development: provisional rules of procedure, 2002. 3. United Nations World Summit on sustainable development: provisional Agenda, 2002. 4. Partnership plenary examines biodiversity/ecosystem management, 2002. 5. Renewable sources of energy, conservation, energy efficiency among issues, 2002. 6. ‘Business as usual’, 2002. 7. Press conference on European union energy initiative, 2002. 8. Programme of World Summit on sustainable development, 2002. 9. World Summit on sustainable development progress assessment report, 2002. 10. Enhancing global sustainability, 2002. 11. A framework for action on agriculture, 2002. 12. "Feeding the World in a sustainable way", 2002. 13. Science and technology for sustainable development 27 August to 1 September, 2002. 14. Energy for sustainable development, 2002. 15. WWF recommendations on Summit outcomes, 2002. |
This encyclopaedia is unique in the sense that it presents contemporary ecology and environment in a chronological order for the first time. Not only it helps trace the process of evolution of regulatory framework for the global and national environmental legislations, it helps the readers to evaluate the development of national environmental consciousness vis-à-vis the international one. This encyclopaedia will serve as most-up-date register of international and national environmental conventions, agreements, and protocols in the field of ecology and environment. This encyclopaedia is in a way collection of ecology and environment oriented legal documents, which are of prime importance not only for the present generation but also for the future ones. It clearly provides the readers with most exhaustive reach to resource materials devoted to environmental rights and duties at national and global levels. This is also a testimony to the ever-increasing public concern over the ecology and environment, thus accompanied by the mammoth literature on the said issue. This encyclopaedia can prove itself to be a milestone in this direction, a brief summary of past and upcoming environmental law-making at national and global levels. This will certainly prove itself to be a genuine effort towards presenting the most coherent and systematically assembled collection of primary material on ecology and environment and pollution in a most user-friendly chronological order. |