Vol.1: Ancient and Medieval Kashmir:
1. Some Geographical Data about Kashmir / Sachchidamanda Sinha.
2.The mountains and margs of Kashmir / C.G. Bruce.
3.The history of the valley / Dermount Norris.
4.Historical epochs / Ernest F. Neve.
5.A glimpse of the past of Kashmir / S.N. Dhar.
6.Kashmir: retrospect and prospect / P.B. Gajendragadkar.
7.An outline history of Kashmir / Sachchidananda Sinha.
8.Kashmir: Ancient and modern / C.E. Tyndale Biscoe.
9.The passes of Kashmir / C.G. Bruce.
10.A survey of the ancient Hindu rule / Jia Lal Kilam.
11.Early Hindus and Buddhists / G.L. Kaul.
12.The Rajatarangini.
13.A note on Kalhana's Rajatarangini / R.C. Dutt.
14.Ancient history of Kashmir / C.G. Bruce.
15.The history of Kashmir / Francis Younghusband.
16.History of Sanskrit literature of Kasmira / Sunil Chandra Ray.
17.The ancient names of Kashmir in classical writers / H.H. Wilson.
18.The dynastic chronicles of Kashmir / U.N. Ghoshal.
19. The date of Yudhisthir, & c. / H.H. Wilson.
20.The revised chronology of Kasmira kings / D.S. Triveda.
21.Original documents on Muslim rule in Kashmir / Radha Krishna Parma.
22.Role of the Damaras in medieval Kashmir / Bhakat Prasad Muzumdar.
23.Advent of Islam / Jia Lal Kilam.
24.Sultan Zain-Al-Abiden of Kashmir (1420-1470) / R.K. Parmu.
25.Spread of Islam / Jia Lal Kilam.
26.Muslims / G.L. Kaul.
27.A Survey of Mogul rule in Kashmir / Jia Lal Kilam.
28.Chaks (1554-1586 A.D.).
29.Moghuls / C.L. Kaul.
30.A survey of Afghan rule in Kashmir / Jia Lal Kilam.
31.Sikhs / G.L. Kaul.
Vol.2: Kashmir Art, Architecture and Tourism:
1. Ancient monuments of Kashmir / R.C. Kak.
2.The architectural monuments of Kashmir / Sachchidananda Sinha.
3.Monuments of Kashmir / G.L. Kaul.
4.Medieval Visnu images from Kashmir and some Visnudharmottara passages / Jitendar Nath Banerjee.
5.An outline of the history of Kashmir (being a chapter of a guide to Kashmir monuments) / R.C. Kak.
6.Ancient monuments / S.N. Dhar.
7.Ancient monuments.
8.Ancient temples of Kashmir / C.G. Bruce.
9.The temples of Cashmere.
10.Ancient arts / Sansar Chand Sharma.
11.Kashmir: Eden of the east / S.N. Dhar.
12.Srinagar and its environs / Sansar Chand Sharma.
13.Off to Kashmir / C.G. Bruce.
14.Gulmarg / Dermont Norris.
15.Kashmir: the Switzerland of India / Dermont Norris.
16.Pahalgam and its environs / Sansar Chand Sharma.
17.Smiles from Kashmir / Krishanlal Shridharani.
18.Lakes and floating gardens / C.G. Bruce.
19.The valleys of Kashmir / C.G. Bruce.
20.The Dal lake and Moghul gardens / Dermont Norris.
21.Nine lakes of Kashmir / S.N. Dhar.
22.The Moghal gardens in Kashmir / Sachchidananda Sinha.
23.Springs and lakes.
24.Camp life in Kashmir / C.G. Bruce.
25.Places of pilgrimage.
Vol.3: Kashmir during British Rule:
1. The revolt in Kashmir, 1846 / R.R. Sethi.
2.Siyahat-I-Kashmir (Kashmir Nama or Tarikh-i-Kashmir) / Ganeshi Lal.
3.The Government of India and the Maharaja of Kashmir / William Digby.
4.Kashmiri Pandits in British India / Jia Lal Kilam.
5.Dogras / G.L. Kaul.
Vol.4: Modern Kashmir:
1. Our Kashmir / The Kashmir Committee, Delhi.
2.Jammu situation: an objective analysis.
4.Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad: Kashmir's premier.
5.Jammu and Kashmir, August 53: August 54: a review of the achievements of Bakhshi Government.
6.Crisis in Kashmir explained / Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad.
7.A reply to critics / Ghulam Mohammad.
8.Aid from India / Bakhshi Ghulam.
9.Kashmir decides its destiny / Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad.
10.Kashmir averts national disaster / Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad.
11.A report on the Kashmir problem / T.N. Zutshi & E.P. Menon.
12.Inaugural speech of Jayaprakash Narayan at the J & K State People's Convention, Srinagar, 10 October, 1968.
13.Some questions and answers on Kashmir.
14.Muslim press on Kashmir.
15.Kashmir: foreign press comments.
16.Kashmir: Indian Muslims' challenge.
17.Kashmir and Indo-Pakistan relations: interview held on 13 June, 1956.
18.Pakistan case.
19.Pakistan and the military pacts.
20.Occupied Kashmir: a Pakistan colony.
21.Kashmir, India and Pakistan: paramount need of understanding, co-existence and co-operation / P.B. Gajendragadkar.
Vol.5: Kashmir: the constitutional status:
1. Constitution of the state council, 1889.
2.Constitution act: 1939.
3.Salient aspects of the Kashmir situation.
4.Partition and the Indian states.
5.Kashmir's accession to India (Cabinet Mission's Memorandum, May 12, 1946).
6.Accession of Kashmir to India / Mehr Chand Mahajan.
7.Early ratification of accession: Kashmir representative's plea in Lok Sabha / Sheo Narayan Fotedar.
8.Kashmir's integration with India.
9.Kashmir: an integral part of India / Dina Nath Mahajan & Mohd. Ayub Khan.
10.National conference's memorandum to cabinet mission (1946): Kashmiris demand freedom.
11.Directive principles of state policy as contained in Indian constitution (Part IV).
12.Report of the drafting committee.
13.Reports of the basic principles committee and the advisory committee on fundamental rights.
14.Tashkent declaration.
15.Accord on Kashmir / Indira Gandhi.
16.Kashmir and India / Indira Gandhi.
17.The Jammu and Kashmir Panchayati Raj Act, 1989.
19.Inaternational aspect of the Kashmir dispute / D.K. Sen.
Vol.6: Nehru and Kashmir:
1. Descent from Kashmir.
2.Kashmir: the meeting ground of different cultures of India.
3.Introductory essay on Kashmir.
5.Kashmir: history and culture.
6.Correspondence / speeches / interviews.
7.Integrate Kashmir: Mookerjee-Nehru and Abdullah correspondence.
8.Pakistan lets loose raiders.
9.The state's accession.
10.Reference to United Nations.
11.Pledge to Kashmir.
12.People's rule in the state.
13.India has nothing to conceal.
14.Belated admission by Pakistan.
15.Our pledge to Kashmir.
16.Let the people decide.
17.Need for friendly approach.
18.Change of government in state.
19.Kashmir's economic progress.
20.No plebscite in Kashmir.
21.Basic facts of the case.
22.Nehru at the press conference.
23.Speech at Allahabad.
24.Conference at Allahabad.
25.Kashmir and Indo-Pak relations.
26.Well being of the people: the primary consideration.
27.Foreign interference.
28.The question of Kashmir.
29.Nehru answers critics on Kashmir.
Vol.7: Sheikh Abdullah and Kashmir:
1. Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and Kashmir / Hori Lal Saxena.
2.Under Sheikh Abdullah Kashmir goes ahead.
3.Jammu and Kashmir: 1947-1950 / Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
4.Opening address by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah to the Jammu and Kashmir Constituent Assembly (extracts).
5.Kashmir is India: in Sheikh Abdullah's words / Mir Kasim.
6.Text of correspondence between Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and Mr. G.M. Sadiq, President, J & K State Constituent Assembly.
7.Letters of Sher-I-Kashmir regarding Kashmir conspiracy case.
8.Kashmir conspiracy case.
9.Speeches and interviews / Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
10.Accord with Sheikh Abdullah / Indira Gandhi.
Vol.8: Kashmir and the United Nations:
1. Kashmir and the United Nations.
2.Legal aspects of the Kashmir problem.
3.Mangla dam project.
4.Kashmir liberation movement.
5.U.N. and power politics towards Kashmir's partition / J.K. Banerji.
6.V.K. Krishna Menon in the United Nations.
7.Kashmir: M.C. Changla's speeches in the security council.
8.Unwanted champions: Syed Mir Qasim's addresses to the U.N. General Assembly.
Vol.9: Kashmir Society and Culture:
1. Kashmir and its people.
2.Character of the Kashmiris / C.E. Tyndale Biscoe.
3.The character of the Kashmiris / Sachchidananda Sinha.
4.The gowned Kashmiri / James Milne.
5.The Kashmiris / S.N. Dhar.
6.Character of the Kashmiris / G.I. Kaul.
7.The people / Ernest F. Neve.
8.The people of Kashmir / Francis Younghusband.
9.The Kashmiris / C.E. Tyndale Biscoe.
10.Mohammedans and Hindu / C.E. Tyndale Biscoe.
11.Modern Kashmir and its people / C.G. Bruce.
12.Eve in Asiatic Eden / S.N. Dhar.
13.Brahmans and Sadhus / C.E. Tyndale Biscoe.
14.Hindu customs / C.E. Tyndale Biscoe.
15.Cultural units and languages / J.K. Banerji.
16.From cultural past to the front / J.K. Banerji.
17.Cultural heritage / G.L. Kaul.
18.Village life / Ernest F. Neve.
19.Glimpses of rural Kashmir / S.N. Dhar.
20.Snake worship in Kashmir / H.H. Wilson.
21.Convocation address, Sri Pratap College, Srinagar July 5, 1940 / Tej Bahadur Sapru.
22.Kashmir's fight against disease.
23.Kashmir folk tales / Somnath Dhar.
24.Akanandun / S.L. Sadhu.
25.The clever lawyer and the cleverer client / S.L. Sadhu.
26.The devil outwitted / S.L. Sadhu.
27.The haunted mosque / S.L. Sadhu.
28.Himal and Nagrai / S.L. Sadhu.
29.Just a nightmare / S.L. Sadhu.
30.Mahadev / S.L. Sadhu.
31.The Patwari and the inexperienced villager / S.L. Sadhu.
32.The son-in-law / S.L. Sadhu.
33. The two thugs / S.L. Sadhu.
34. The village teacher / S.L. Sadhu.
35.Folklore of Kashmir / S.N. Dhar.
36. Folk songs of Kashmir / S.N. Dhar.
37. Folk songs / S.N. Dhar.
Vol.10: Economic Life of Kashmir:
1. The industrial development of Kashmir / Sachchidananda Sinha.
2.The city of the sun and its industries / C.G. Bruce.
3.The Kashmir problem: political and economic background / P.N. Dhar.
4.Fruits and forests: flora and fauna / C.G. Bruce.
5.The arts and crafts of Kashmir / Sachchidananda Sinha.
6.Traders, Lepers and Beggars / C.E. Tyndale Biscoe.
7.Rivers and river life / C.G. Bruce.
8.Fashions in dress / C.E. Tyndale Biscoe.
9.Land reforms in Jammu and Kashmir.
10.Government of Jammu and Kashmir (an act to promote for the abolition of big landed estates and their transfer to actual tillers: Act No. XVII of 2007 as amended by Act No. XV of 2008).
11.Liquidation of landlordism in Jammu and Kashmir.
12.Land reforms in Jammu and Kashmir.
13.Achievements in the domain of agrarian reforms / M.A. Beg.
14.In ninety days: a brief account of agrarian reforms launched by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah's Government in Kashmir.
15.Economic freedom first: agrarian revolution and industrialisation.
16.Kashmir: agricultural statistics.
17.On the way to golden harvests: agricultural reformism Kashmir / Mirza Mohammad Afzal Beg.
18.Kashmir: a statistical survey.