Preface / Y. Nagano.
1. Introduction / S.G. Karmay.
I. Bon and its relationship to Buddhism:
1. The study of Bon in the west: past, present and future / P. Kvaerne.
2. Comparing treasuries: mental states and other mDzod Phug lists and passages with parallels in Abhidharma works by Vasubandhu and Asanga or in Prajnaparamita sutras: a progress report / D. Martin.
3. A preliminary comparison of Bonpo and Buddhist cosmology / K. Mimaki.
4. The 'Bon' dBal-mo Nyer-bdun ( / brgyad) and the Buddhist dBang-phyug-ma Nyer-brgyad: a brief comparison / H. Blezer.
II. rDzoags-chen doctrines:
1. The lo rgyus chen mo is the collection of the Ye khri mtha' sel attributed to Dran-pa-nam-mkha' / D Rossi.
2. Authenticity, effortlessness, delusion and spontaneity in the 'The authenticity of open awareness and related texts' / A.C. Klein.
III. Myths and rituals:
1. Mandala visualization and possession / M. Tachikawa.
2. The mKha' klong gsang mdos: some questions on ritual structure and cosmology / A.M. Blondeau.
3. The secular surroundings of a Bonpo ceremony: games, popular rituals and economic structures in the mDos-rgyab of Klu-brag monastery (Nepal) / C. Ramble.
4. Victory banners, social prestige and religious identity: ritualized sponsorship and the revival of Bon monasteries in Amdo Shar-khog / M. Schrempf.
5. Bon, Buddhist and Hindu life cycle rituals: a comparison / H. Ishii.
6. A comparative study of the yul lha cult in two areas and its cosmological aspects / S.G. Karmay.
IV. Monasteries and lay communities:
1. The bla ma in the Bon religion in Amdo and Khams / Tsering Thar.
2. Bonpo family lineages in Central Tibet / Dondrup Lhagyal.
3. The bon deities depicted in the wall paintings in the Bon-brgya monastery / M. Mori.
4. Khri-brtan Nor-bu-rtse Bon monastery in Kathmandu / S. Yamaguchi.
V. Bon in a wider context:
1. Sacrifice and lha pa in the glu rol festival of Reb-skong / S. Nagano.
2. The Indus Valley civilization and early Tibet / G. Samuel.
3. Kharamshing: an antidote against evil / Ugyen Pelgen.
4. Space, territory, and a Stupa in Eastern Nepal: exploring Himalayan themes and traces of Bon / B. Bickel.