CONTENTS:- Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. M.K. Gandhi (1869-1948); 3. Liberalism: historical background; 4. Liberalism; 5. Indian liberals; 6. Moderation; 7. Liberalism and freedom; 8. Political thought of M.K. Gandhi; 9. Economic thought of M.K. Gandhi; 10. Social ideas of M.K. Gandhi; 11. Liberals and Gandhian views; 12. Evaluation;
This study is an endeavour to enquire into the nature and efficacy of liberal primacies and the extent to which Gandhi imbibed them. Gandhi does not emerge as a liberal in the parlance of well stirred ideological congruence. And yet he remains the most outstanding exponent and activist of the liberal spirit. He built upon this foundation, as innovative superstructure. It is not always possible to expect an activist of the national movement to scrupulously adhere a specific ideology. Gandhi renovated the liberal thinking and sought to transform the idiom and primacies of philosophy of nationalism and creative protest.