Advaita Vadanta has colored Indian life in many aspects. It is one of the most impressive thought systems of India. To a great extent it satisfies the deep requirements of Metaphysics and the claims of logic and reason. It has been compared with the Philosophies, both eastern and western. As a result many books and monographs have been written on the subject. This is but naturals, considering the appeal that Advaita Vedanta has for the modern world/ Many modern preceptors of Philosophy have followed the doctrine of Sankara with or without changes. Advaita is a discriminative harmonization of different perspectives and spiritual experiences. Being the expression of the plenary experience of reality, it occupies a pre-eminent place among the major philosophical systems viz. Nyaya, Vaisesika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purvamimansa and Uttaramimansa or Vedanta. It shows the way to an aspirant in the spiritual quest for a state of existence, which eradicated all sufferings and ensures abiding peace and joy. The present work views the tenets of Advaita Vedanta without slipping into controversies and with a view to introduce the topic to the seekers of knowledge. The work shall be useful to both the teachers and students of Advaita Vedanta.