Sugarcane Production Research in India (1912-2000)
Verma, R.S. (Dr.)
List Price : US$ 104.16 Our Price : US$ 83.33
Book ID : 19513
ISBN-10 : 81-85860-65-3 / 8185860653
of Publication :
of Publication :
Edition : (First Edition)
Language : English
x, 460p., Index, 25 cm.
CONTENTS:- Preface. I. Area, production and productivity of sugarcane. II. Soil conditions and sugarcane. III. Climatic conditions and sugarcane. IV. Growth and development of sugarcane under field conditions: 1. Germination. 2. Root growth. 3. Leaf growth. 4. Tillering. 5. Watershoots. 6. Flowering in sugarcane. 7. Pith formation in cane stalk. 8. Sugarcane growth and development in general. 9. Sugarcane physiology in relation to agronomy. V. Sugarcane varieties: 1. Sugarcane improvement and varieties in general. 2. Varieties for subtropical India. 3. Varieties for tropical India. 4. Early maturing and short duration varieties. 5. Varietal suitability for different planting seasons. 6. Varieties suitable for late crushing. 7. Varieties suitable for jaggery production. 8. Varieties for waterlogged condition. 9. Varieties for saline and alkaline soils. 10. Frost resistant varieties. 11. Deterioration of sugarcane varieties. VI. Sugarcane planting: 1. Preparatory tillage. 2. Planting material: i. Selection of seed cane. ii. Seed treatment. iii. Seed cane crop. 3. Planting time. 4. Planting methods. 5. Planting geometry, seed rate and spacing. 6. Late planted sugarcane. VII. Nutrients management: 1. Response to different nutrients: i. Nitrogen. ii. Phosphorus. iii. Potassium. iv. Nitrogen and phosphorus. v. Nitrogen and potassium. vi. Phosphorus and potassium. vii. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. viii. Phosphorus and zinc. ix. Sulphur. x. Micronutrients. 2. Nutrients in plant and soil. 3. Nutrient sources: i. Inorganic sources: Conventional N fertilizers; Slow released materials; Phosphatic fertilizes; Potassic fertilizer. ii. Organic sources: Bulky organics; Concentrated organics; Green manures. iii. Biofertilizer. 4. Integrated nutrient supply. 5. Time and methods of application. 6. Relationship between fertilizer and moisture supply. 7. Nutrient management in sugarcane based crop rotations. 8. Manuring in general. VIII. Weeds management: 1. Weed flora in sugarcane. 2. Critical period for crop-weed competition. 3. Weed control methods: i. Chemical. ii. Cultural. iii. Trash mulching. 4. Weed control in sugarcane ratoons. 5. Weed control in sugarcane based cropping systems. 6. Integrated weed management. 7. Weed management in general. IX. Water management: 1. Water requirement of sugarcane. 2. Irrigation requirement. 3. Water management in general. 4. Irrigation in general. 5. Irrigation scheduling. 6. Irrigation methods. 7. Irrigation and manuring. 8. Ground water contribution to water requirement. 9. Sugarcane under water deficit conditions. 10. Mulching for moisture conservation. 11. Sugarcane under excess water conditions. 12. Irrigation water quality and sugarcane growth. 13. Soil moisture and sugarcane germination. 14. Irrigation and sugarcane juice quality. X. Sugarcane based cropping systems: A. Intercropping systems: 1. Intercropping in general. 2. Intercrops for autumn sugarcane. 3. Intercrops for spring sugarcane. 4. Intercrops for Adsali sugarcane. 5. Intercrops for sugarcane ratoons. 6. Crop varieties for intercropping. 7. Planting density and geometry for intercropping. 8. Nutrient management in intercropping. 9. Green manuring through intercropping. 10. Weed management in intercropping. 11. Water management in intercropping. 12. Pest management in intercropping. B. Sugarcane based sequential cropping systems:. XI. Sugarcane lodging and its prevention and earthing up. XII. Sugarcane harvesting and cane quality: 1. Sugarcane maturity. 2. Maturity-wise harvesting. 3. Time and method of harvesting. 4. Cane quality and sugar recovery. 5. Fibre in cane stalk. 6. Factors affecting cane quality: i. Factors in general. ii. Nitrogen. iii. Phosphorus. iv. Potassium. v. Different sources of nutrient supply. vi. Irrigation. vii. Soil. viii. Climate. ix. Waterlogging. x. Crop geometry. xi. Intercrops. xii. Lodging. xiii. Arrowing. xiv. Insect pests. xv. Age and portion of millable stalk. xvi. Pre-harvest burning. 7. Improving juice quality: i. Use of chemical ripeners. ii. Use of molasses. 8. Left over cane. 9. Control of flowering. 10. Post-harvest deterioration of cane. XIII. Ratoon management: 1. Ratooning in general. 2. Area and productivity of ratoon. 3. Growth and development in ratoon. 4. Varietal performance for ratooning. 5. Effect of planting method and time, spacing and plant population of plant cane on ratoon. 6. Effect of time and method of harvesting of preceding crop on ratoon. 7. Improving stubble sprouting in water started ratoon. 8. Gaps and gap filling. 9. Trash management. 10. Cultural practices in ratoon. 11. Nutrient management. 12. Water management. 13. Intercropping with ratoon. 14. Ratoon cane as seed. 15. Juice quality of ratoon canes. 16. Soil salinity and ratoon growth. 17. Multiple ratooning. 18. Ratoon decline. XIV. Use of plant hormones in sugarcane. XV. Miscellaneous. Key word index. Author index. List of journals and other published material referred to.
The book Sugarcane Production Research in India should be of great value to scientists, educators, students, policy makers, extension and development personnel concerned with sugarcane. The book presents a panoramic view and consolidates available information right from the inception (1912) of the scientific research on sugarcane in India. There are 3761 references which have been grouped into 15 various sections and chronologically listed year wise. Every section has been further divided into different subsections to make it more comprehensive. At the end of each section/subsection, cross references covering more than one aspect have also been listed. List of journals/publications referred to have been given separately. At the end key word index and author index are also given.