Encyclopaedia of Military Systems in India; 9 Volumes (in 10 Parts)
Kuamar, Raj (Ed.)
List Price : US$ 314.30 Our Price : US$ 251.44
Book ID : 19332
ISBN-10 : 81-7169-793-3 / 8171697933
of Publication :
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Edition :
Language : English
3189p., App., Bib., Index, 25 cm.
Vol.1: Military System in Ancient India: 1. Introduction. 2. Scope and source. 3. Indus valley civilization. 4. Vedic period. 5. Military system in the Epic and Puranic literature. 6. The age of Magadhan imperialism. 7. From the fall of the Mauryas to the end of the second Magadhan Empire. 8. Composition. 9. The infantry. 10. The cavalry. 11. The war chariots. 12. Elephants. 13. Arms and armour. 14. Fortification and siegecraft. 15. Strength of armies. 16. Military administration. 17. Military espionage. 18. Naval warfare. 19. Conclusion. 20. Appendix.
Vol.2: Rajput Military Systems: 1. Introduction. 2. Geography and strategy. 3. The Rajput period. 4. Military formations. 5. Military organisation. 6. Military power and organisation. 7. Military power and organisation of the Later Kalacuris of Tripuri. 8. Hindu Shahi Dynasty of Afghanistan and Punjab. 9. Shihabuddin Ghori vs. Prithviraj. 10. Rana Pratap. 11. Babar and Rana Sanga. 12. Rajputs encounter. 13. Islamic invasions and Rajputs. 14. Turkish conquest of Northern India. 15. The military system on trial. 16. Breakdown of Hindu Military System.
Vol.3: Military System of the Mughals: 1. Introduction. 2. The Mughal emperors. 3. The advent of the Moghuls. 4. Equipment-defensive armour. 5. Discipline, Drill and exercises. 6. Battles. 7. Particular battles, stratagems, losses. 8. On the march. 9. Length of marches. 10. Sieges. 11. Camps and camp equipage. 12. Forts and strongholds. 13. Branding and verification. 14. The evolution of artillery. 15. Rules connected with pay and allowances. 16. Ahsham. 17. The different branches of the service. 18. Mughal Naval organisation. 19. Rewards and distinctions.
Vol.4: Maratha Military Systems: 1. Introduction. 2. Armed forces of Maharathas. 3. Shivaji and his followers. 4. Chauth and Sardeshmukhi. 5. Revival of feudalism. 6. Maratha system of war. 7. Infantry and cavalry. 8. Forts. 9. The artillery of the Marathas. 10. Artillery an offensive weapon. 11. European officers and trained battalions. 12. The Maratha Army on the march. 13. The Maratha Artillery in battle. 14. The third battle of Panipat and its lessons. 15. Marathas and the sea. 16. The decline and fall of Maratha power.
Vol.5: Military System of the Sikhs: 1. Introduction. 2. The origin and growth of the Sikhs. 3. Early Sikh encounters. 4. Military system of the Sikhs. 5. The Khalsa Army. 6. Ranjit Singh's Army. 7. European Military officers of Lahore Durbar. 8. The artillery of the Sikhs. 9. The Sikh artillery in battle. 10. The void. 11. The Sikh wars. 12. The first Sikh War-1845-46. 13. Battle of Ferozeshah-21 & 22 December 1845. 14. Battle of Aliwal-28 January 1846. 15. Battle of Sobraon-10 February 1846. 16. Battle of Chillianwalla-4 December 1848-13 January, 1849. 17. The battle of Gujarat-21 February 1849. 18. Conclusion.
Vol.6: Military System of East India Company: 1. Introduction. 2. Naval strategy in historical perspectives. 3. Establishment of East India Company. 4. The East India Company's Army. 5. Conquest of India. 6. The revolt of 1857. 7. End of the Company Rule. 8. Conclusion.
Vol.7: Military System During the Raj, 1858 to 1947: 1. Introduction. 2. The reconstruction, 1858-1864. 3. The Army of occupation, 1862-1902. 4. The Navy in India before the First World War. 5. Kitchener's Army, 1902-1914. 6. Navy in India. 7. Air Force in India. 8. The Army in India, 1914-1947.
Vol.8: Military System of Independent India: 1. Defence organisation upto 1947. 2. Partition of the Armed forces. 3. Problems of partition. 4. New defence policy. 5. Defence Secretariat. 6. The services headquarters. 7. Nationalisation of the defence forces. 8. The new constitution. 9. Defence expenditure and the defence plan. 10. Ministry of defence. 11. The Indian Army. 12. The Indian Navy. 13. The Indian Air Force.
Vol.9 (Part I & II): Indian Military Legal Systems: 1. Introduction. 2. Historical evolution. I. Army: 3. The Army Act, 1950. 4. The Army Rules, 1954. 5. Statement of offences. 6. Specimen charges. II. Air Force: 7. The Air Force Act, 1950. III. Navy: 8. The Navy Act, 1957. IV. Army Act and Rules: 9. Amendments to Army Act and Army Rules: salient features. V. Judgments: 10. Delhi High Court. 11. Punjab and Haryana High Court (D.B.). 12. Punjab and Haryana High Court (D.B.). 13. Supreme Court of India. 14. Punjab and Haryana High Court. 15. Punjab and Haryana High Court (D.B.). 16. Punjab and Haryana High Court. 17. Punjab and Haryana High Court. 18. Punjab and Haryana High Court. 19. Punjab and Haryana High Court.
In the present world scenario the art and science of military systems have undergone dramatic changes. Nevertheless one always needs to take lessons from the past in order to properly understand the present and to prepare for a meaningful and glorious future. Therefore the necessity to write the history of military systems through the ages in proper historical perspectives has arisen. Some of the retired and serving military personel have given us some account of their experience and their understanding of the various topics on the defence matters. United Service Institution of India possess adequate records on the subject besides, of course, the sources at the National Archives of India.
We have no doubt entered the nuclear age, yet conventional and low intensity warfare demands full preparedness of the armed forces. In order to mature our judgement and prepare us to take right views, examination and understanding of military systems are of great importance.